Terrariums by Ron

"Sitting Terrariums"

"Globe Terrarium"
Large: 14" Diameter $90
Medium: 11" Diameter $65

Sits on a table, shelf, or counter
Especially nice as a center piece.

Terrariums by Ron
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Terrariums by Ron
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The "Townhouse" Terrarium is meant to be used on a shelf or table with its back against something. The back is a mirror which gives an illusion of greater depth and more plants. The Frosted glass "Roof" is hinged to give access to the plants. The base can be ordered in almost any color

12" High X 5" Deep X 8" Wide.

Please choose a color and an alternatve color in the comment box on the confirmation page

Standard Colors
Dk or Lt Blue / Dk or Lt Green / Pink / Wheat / Rust / Lt Purple / Dk Purple / White / Black / Green+Blue
Iridescent Colors
Med. Blue / Lt Blue / Grey / Pearl / Pink /Lt Green / Peach / Purple

"Bite Terrarium"
So named because it looks like it has a bite out of it. This is an open terrarium, and has no door closure. It must be planted with plants that tolerate drying out a bit. When viewed from a steep downward angle, the opening looks heart shaped.

11" x 9" x 9" High
$40 Plus shipping

Terrariums by Ron
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