Terariums by Ron Gladkowski

Stained Glass Terrariums
A Terrarium For Home Decorating
* Stained Glass Planters, Windows, Flower Vases *

Stained Glass Terrarium
      Click image for close up...
          Hand made custom terrariums, stained glass window planters, and flower vases with stained, and leaded glass, working in the Tiffany tradition. All my work is original in design, and combines glass with nature.
          For over 30 years, my approach to creativity is to let my imagination run free, and follow it. I see shapes in my head, and I make them in glass. The softness of the plants and flowers contrast with the angles and lines in the design, and bring balance and harmony between man's and nature's creations. Terrariums give shelter to the plants, and the plants give life to the terrariums. You can find my work at Art and Craft Fairs, throughout the Eastern United States, and a complete portfolio of past and present work at The Terrarium Museum
          I have offered my work here on the Web since 1996, and have received a very encouraging response. I have shipped both custom designed, and production terrariums to Satisfied Customers in about every corner of this country. Customers from Florida, to Washington State, and Maine to California, as well as over 40 more states in between, have safely received their terrariums. The Internet is a wonderful showcase for my ever changing portfolio.
          Anything you order is an original design made by me, I have no employees so my production is limited. It is good to order early to allow enough time for me to make and ship your order. In this world of instant gratification, and overnight express, I know it is difficult to wait, but your patience will be rewarded by knowing that this is something special....made especially for you. For those who have a deadline approaching or need a gift on short notice, this Idea may be the answer.
          Note: There are so called, Imported Bargain Terrariums. on the market. Though less expensive, they are not watertight, have metal frames which can rust, and need to be assembled by inserting loose glass panels into the frame. All of my terrariums are watertight, the frames will not rust, and soil and plants can be placed directly inside, with no worries..

Now Offering:
Miniature OOAC (One Of A Kind)
Sculpture Display Cases

OOAC Miniatures                     Doll House Miniatures
Doll House Miniatures Display Cases

The Terrarium Museum
Terrarium Slide Show

Victorian Conservatories
Small Conservatories
Terrarium Tables
Window Planters
Palm Dome
Standard Terrariums
Mirror Backed Terrariums
Arch Terrariums
"Revival" Terrariums
Millennium Terrarium
NGMA Terrarium

About Custom Terrariums Artist's Biography
History of Terrariums
Terrarium Care
Terrarium Q & A
My Garden
e-mail me

Flower Vases
Faith & Flowers
Posey Holders
Sconces & Planters

Recent Custom Order Commissions

Terrarium Cabinet Michigan Terrarium Tall Melody Terrarium
Tall Green Terrarium table-purple-svict-175.jpg - 30.84 K

Click on image for larger view

The Millennium Terrarium

Off to Alaska 2007
My western trip journal

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Terrariums by Ron ©1998 / 2012