<The Great New York Garage Sale
          All this content, including, but not limited to textual content, graphics, concept, layout, and design The Great New York Garage Sale ® © 2004 is protected by Copyright and any or all use for reproduction, duplication imagery, repro publication, publication, modification, any or in whole part is prohibited without written authorization.

Copyright Laws

What Rights do Copyright Owners Have?

    The copyright laws give authors of original works of authorship the right to control all further reproduction and publication of the work. This right attaches the second that the original work is originally created and fixed in a "tangible medium of expression."

    The United States Copyright Act grants the author six exclusive rights including
(1) the right to reproduce the work,
(2) the right to create derivative works based upon the original work,
(3) the right to distribute copies of the original work (sale,rental,license, assignment, or otherwise),
(4) the right to publicly perform the work,
(5) the right to display the work, and
(6) the right to prevent distortion, modification, or mutilation of the work. This means that the author has the right to stop other parties from
          (1) making copies of the work,
          (2) making changes to the work or creating new works based on the original work,
          (3) distributing the work,
          (4) publishing the work,
          (5) licensing the work to others, and
          (6)otherwise exploiting the work.

    These exclusive rights are subject to certain limitations. One of these limitations is the "fair use" exception. The fair use exception permits use of a work, even without the consent of the author or copyright owner, for certain limited purposes. These limited purposes include uses for criticism, comment, teaching, news reporting, scholarship or research.
