History of Pitcher

    PITCHER was formed from German and Lincklaen, February 13, 1827.

    The town of Pitcher is wholly embraced in the tract of land known as the Gore, and a tract originally patented to John W. WATKINS, June 14, 1793, and subsequently acquired by the Holland Land company, under whose auspices the early settlements were made, not however, the first. The first settlers reached this locality in 1791, via Oxford, and for a few years their only communication with the outside world was a blazed route to that embryo village, the germ of which was planted the previous year. In 1791 Ebenezer FOX, from Litchfield, Mass., his native place, and Jacob NOTEMAN, Abram DORN and John VAN AUGUR, from the locality of Schenectady, settled in the north-west part of the town, on the west line, and Silas BURGESS two miles south of them. About three years later John LINCKLAEN, agent of the Holland Land Company, caused a north and south road to be cut through their entire purchase along its western border from Cazenovia to the town of Pitcher. The engineer in charge of this enterprise had a corps of four axmen and one teamster, among whom were John WILSON and James SMITH, two of the hardy Jerseymen who accompanied Mr. Lincklaen in the settlement at Cazenovia in 1793, and the former of whom afterwards settled in Pitcher and the latter in DeRuyter. At this time the families named were the only settlers in this town, and so far as they knew, there were no settlers within many miles to the north of them. When, therefore, the road-cutters had approached sufficiently near so that the sound of their axes could be heard by the inhabitants of this secluded little settlement many speculations were indulged in as to the character of their approaching visitors and the nature of their mission; and were overjoyed when, early one morning, the engineer, in advance of his axmen, made his appearance in the settlement and broke to them the intelligence that a new means of communication with the civilized world was opening to them. The men gladly turned out with their axes and assisted in the completion of the undertaking, and that night, when they hospitably entertained the harbingers of their good fortune, was the happiest which had closed upon the little band of pioneers, whose social and commercial relations were thenceforward intimately connected with the settlement at DeRuyter.

    Mr. FOX was a cooper and kept the first shop of his craft in that part of the place known as Deran, lying in Pitcher. He died in 1861, DORN in 1821; and they, as well as VAN AUGER, died in Pitcher. VAN AUGUR's descendants removed from the town. William BREED lives where he settled. DORN's son Charles lived there till about 1860.

Carrie, wife of Luman ELBRIDGE, of Pitcher, is a daughter of the latter. BURGESS put up a log house in what is known as the four-mile wood and raised a large family, only one of whom-Thomas-is now living there. Mrs. Ledyard BAKER and Mrs. P. H. LYON, daughters of Ebenezer FOX, are living in Pitcher and are the only ones now living there. Mrs. L. A. HALL, of Pittsfield, Otsego county, Mary CUMMINGS, of Syracuse, and Sally MURRAY, of Homer, are other daughters of Ebenezer FOX, and all are descendants on their mother's side of Oliver Hazzard PERRY.

    Soon after the completion of this road, in 1794 or '5, Mr. Lincklaen sent John WILSON, a mill-wright, of Nelson, to build a mill on Mud creek, about one-third mile above its confluence with the Otselic. The mill was afterwards known as Sullivan's mill; its ruins are yet plain to be seen. At the same time a carpenter named SCHUYLER was sent to build a house for the company. It stood a little west of the large red barn on the farm of Joseph ALEXANDER. Wilson remained and worked the mill after its completion, and while thus engaged became acquainted with Polly, daughter of Jonas HINMAN, with whom, on the 16th of May, 1799, he contracted the first marriage in town. He afterwards removed to the farm now owned by William SMITH, in the south-west corner of the town of Lincklaen, where both he and his wife died, the former Nov. 9, 1843, aged 84, and his wife, Oct. 22, 1849, aged 67. The farm was afterward occupied by his son John L., who lived on it till within a year or two of his death, when he removed to the farm now occupied by Ezra BENNETT, in the north edge of Pitcher, where he died Feb. 15, 1867, aged 61. He had two daughters, both maiden ladies.

    Among the early settlers were Benjamin and Abel FAIRCHILD, Ebenezer WAKELEY, Jonas HINMAN, Silas BEEBE, George TAYLOR, Elijah FENTON, Jonathan CHANDLER, Abijah RHINES, Gideon PEET, M. MILLARD, Lewis and Philo BLACKMAN and Richard WARNER.

    Benjamin FAIRCHILD came from Trumbull, Conn., in 1795, and settled at Pitcher village, where he built and kept a tavern in a log house which stood on the site of the hotel in that village. This was the first tavern in the town and was kept by him till within some fifteen years of his death, when he was succeeded by his son Daniel, who kept it till his death. Benjamin soon after built on the same site a frame house which was afterwards removed to the site of Adna WARNER's residence and occupied as a dwelling-house. It was torn down in 1874 to make room for Mr. Warner's residence. In 1829 his son Daniel built the present hotel, which has since been repaired and enlarged.

    Benjamin Fairchild was born in 1760. He married Dolly BLACKMAN, also a native of Connecticut, who was born in 1767. They both died in Pitcher, of small-pox, Benjamin Jan 21, 1837, aged 71, and his wife, Jan. 27, 1831, aged 64. Their children were Lemuel, born June 7, 1785, Zalmon, born Oct. 3, 1787, Philo, born Oct. 17, 1790, Pamelia, born Oct. 11, 1793, Isaac, born Nov. 5, 1796, Daniel, born Nov. 13, 1799, Sally, born Nov. 9, 1802, and Polly, born Sept. 25, 1805, only two of whom are living-Zalmon and Polly. Lemuel married Celia, daughter of Job and Elizabeth CROCKER, and settled in the village where Bigelow PACKER now lives. Zalmon married Polly BLACHARD and settled in the village, where he now lives. Philo married Rochsa FENTON and settled on a farm which now forms a part of the PARTRIDGE farm. Pamelia was a maiden lady and died in the spring of 1879. Isaac married Mercy PENNOYER, of DeRuyter, and settled in the village. Daniel married Polly, daughter of Joseph STERLING, and settled and died in the tavern, May 9, 1838. Sally married Dr. Genet SHIPMAN, whose father, Deacon Daniel Shipman, was an early settler at what is now as Shipman's bridge. Polly married Zuriah McWHORTER, who settled and lived for any years on the old McWhorter farm in Cincinnatus.

    Job CROCKER, to whom reference has been made, came at an early day from Cape Cod, and settled on the knoll a half mile north of Pitcher village. After the death of his wife, Sept. 28, 1828, aged 68, he went to live with his daughter in Lincklaen, and died there May 7, 1831, aged 83. His children were Richard, Betsey, Haskins, Celia and Olive, twins, Daniel, and Samantha, none of whom are living.

    Ebenezer WAKELEY, who was born Nov. 3, 1770, came at a very early day from Connecticut and settled on what is known as Wakeley hill, about a mile south of Pitcher Village. He afterwards removed to that village, to live with his son-in-law, Dr. David McWHORTER and died Jan. 22, 1854. He wife, Mary Abigail, died April 28, 1845, aged 71. He was the first supervisor of Pitcher; was Side Judge, and represented this county in the Assembly in 1808-'10, 1812-13, 1816-'17, and in 1819. He taught the first school in Pitcher. He had only three children.

    Jonas HINMAN came from Trumbull, Conn., about 1800, and settled about a mile above Pitcher, on the farm owned in part by his grandson, Edward Hinman, and in part by George HAKES where he died Dec. 14, 1833, aged 81. Cathy, his wife, died Oct. 3, 1836, aged 74. His children were Polly, Sally, John, James and a daughter.

    A son of Silas BEEBE's, who was born in November, 1796, was the first child born in the town.

    George TAYLOR came from East Hartford, Conn., in 1803, and settled on fifteen acres about a quarter of a mile above Pitcher, where Billings ALLEN now lives. About 1807 he removed to the place where his son George now lives, a little west of Chandler's Corners, where he died Sept. 22, 1860, aged 95, and his wife Sarah W., in March, 1849, aged 87. His children were Cryprian, Sally, and George, who married Anna, daughter of Solomon ENSIGN, and is living on the homestead; Theodocia, who married Orrin ANDERSON, and lived and died in Pitcher, the former Jan. 8, 1875, aged 74, and her husband, Feb. 22, 1864, aged 67; Daniel, and Polly.

    Elijah FENTON came from Willington, Conn., in 1798 or '99, and bought a farm and improvements of Gideon PEET, who came in a year or two earlier and had cleared some the acres upon the place where Ralph TAYLOR now lives. After making the purchase Mr. Fenton returned to Connecticut. He came her again about 1802 or '03, and about 1804 brought in his family, which consisted of his wife, Polly STORRS, a native of Connecticut, and five children, Ameilia, Elijah, Eneas, Rochsa and Polly. Both Fenton and his wife died on that place, the former March 22, 1850, aged 88, and the latter, April 3, 1847, aged 82.

    Col. Jonathan CHANDLER came from near Hartford, Conn., soon after 1801 and settled at the Corners which perpetuate his name, about a mile above the village, on the place now occupied by his grandson, William Ransom Chandler, where he died July 30, 1844, aged 82 1/2 years. He took up a large tract of land in that locality and was interested in the mill property now owned by George H. ANDRUS, a half mile above Pitcher village, consisting of a saw and grist-mill, the latter of which was built by him at a very early day, among the first in this part of the county. The mill property remained in the hands of the family till 1847, when it was purchased by I. B. ALLEN. The grist-mill, a stone structure was rebuilt by his son Jonathan, in 1841-'424. Mr. Chandler was probably the first postmaster in the town. He was also engaged in mercantile business. His store, a frame building, stood near his residence. It is still standing in the rear of William R. chandler's residence and is used as a tenement house.

He kept store there as late as 1830.

    Mr. Chandler was born Jan. 1, 1792, and Oct. 1, 1781, he married Sarah EASTON, of Connecticut, who was born Oct. 25, 1762, and died March 22, 1840. Their children were Samuel, who was born Dec. 10, 1781; Oliver E., who was born Sept. 16, 1783; Jonathan, Jr., who was born Dec. 27, 1785; Walter, who was born June 3, 1788; Horace, who was born June 3, 1792; Loel, who was born May 16, 1794; Abel, who was born Feb. 1st, 1797; Sally, who was born Feb. 14, 1800; Harry, who was born August 9, 1802; and Hiram, who was born Nov. 14, 1809. Only one other grandchild besides William R Chandler, son of Hiram, and Mrs. WEAVER, daughter of Oliver E., is living in this county, viz: Julia Maria, daughter of Abel, wife of George W. DENSLOW, of Norwich.

    Deacon Lewis BLACKMAN, a native of Huntington, Conn., came from Roxbury in that State in November, 1802, with horses and wagon across the country by the Catskill turnpike, via Sidney. He remained that winter in Pitcher village, and in the spring removed to North Pitcher, where the took up 75 acres, the major part of which is owned by his grandson, Norton Blackman, and the remainder by Edson and John ELDRIDGE. He died there July 17, 1841, aged 72. When he came his family consisted of his wife, Charity, daughter of Nathan SMITH of Connecticut, who died Feb. 16, 1871, aged 99. and five children, Rosel, Roxy, David, Sheldon and Charles. Five children were born after they came here, viz: Dolly, Nancy, Dotia, Minerva and John S.

    Richard WARNER came from Waterbury, Conn., in 1801, and settled on 50 acres in Taylor, then Solon, and in 1810 removed to Pitcher, to the place now occupied by John DRYER, a half mile south of the village. He afterwards removed to the village, where he and his wife died, the former March 25, 1857, aged 85, and the latter, (Polly,) Sept. 24, 1849, aged 72. Their children were fifteen in number: Obadiah, Deacon Shelden, Adna, Minerva, Maria, Edward, David, Curtis, Rachel, Electa, Calvin, Florilla, Elmina, and Richard P.

    Curtis BEACH came from Trumbull, Conn., in the winter of 1800, with his family on ox sleds, and bought the improvements, consisting of a log house and a small clearing, of Silas BEEBE, who removed to Pitcher village and lived there some years. The snow fall was heavy that winter, and when the Beaches arrived at their destination with the two sleds drawn by oxen and laden with the family and household effects, they found the house literally buried in snow. His wife and children sat upon the sled while he dug a roadway to the entrance of the hut, a labor in which he was assisted by Charles and Walter HYDE, brothers, and young, unmarried men who came from Connecticut and settled in the same locality. Beach died there May 8, 1820, aged 57, and his wife, Rachel HAWLEY, of Connecticut, April 19, 1851, aged 88 Their children were Percy, Isaac, Asa, and Polly. None of the family are living.
    Abijah VINING came from Connecticut about 1800 and settled about a mile south-west of Pitcher, where Judson WIRE now lives, and died there, he and his wife, Rebecca, the latter April 1, 1811. His children were Philo, and Leeson.
    Settlements were made about 1803 or '04 by Daniel SHIPMAN and Edward SOUTHWORTH. SHIPMAN came from Connecticut, and settled at North Pitcher, where Elias SMITH now lives. He was killed at the raising of the Congregational meeting-house Nov. 3, 1820, aged 47. He had five sons, all of whom were physicians, and two daughters.

    Deacon Edward SOUTHWORTH settled at North Pitcher, where Beardsley SANFORD now lives, and died there March 19, 1830, aged 66. His children were Anna, Sally, John, Constant, Jesse, Mary and Edward.

    Truman and Abraham FAIRCHILD, brothers, came in with their father from Dutchess county about 1804, and settled at North Pitcher, Truman on the place now occupied by Milton UFFORD, where he died Nov. 16, 1816, aged 40.
    Jonathan KENYON came from Richmond, R.I., in 1806, and settled two miles north-west of Pitcher village, where Elias Kenyon, his grandson, now lives, and died there in March, 1831. He had seven children, Samuel B., Jonathan, Colonel Asa, Elizabeth Patty, Mary, Solomon and Dorcas.
    William SMITIH, who was born in Huntington, Conn., in 1777, came from Litchfield, Conn., about 1804, and settled at North Pitcher, where John BREED now lives. He remained but a short time and returned to Connecticut, coming back here about the close of the war of 1812. In 1820 he went west. His children were Harriet, Harry, Julius, Augustus, Julia Ann, William B., Charles Benton, Charles Harvey, Frederick G., Lucius S. and Lewis S.

    Joseph SMITH, brother of William, who was born in Huntington, Conn., in 1764, came from the same place in 1807, and settled in the north part of the town, on the line of Lincklaen, on the farm now occupied by Wallace NEAL. He died in the town April 27, 1853, aged 89, and Sally, his wife, Sept. 20, 1823, aged 47. His children were Zira, David, Joseph, Betsey E., Rebecca, Catharine, Minerva, Sabrina, Samuel B., Sarah, Samuel B., Isaac P. and Nancy.

    Other early settlers were Solomon and Perez HAKES, Simeon FINCH and Solomon ENSIGN. The HAKESes came from Stonington, Conn., and settled about two and a half miles north-east of Pitcher, on the road to Pharsalia, Solomon on the place now occupied by his grandson, Solomon Hakes 2d, and Perez, where his son Denison now lives. Solomon died Sept. 21, 1867, aged 95, and Fanny, his wife. June 8, 1857, aged 80.

    Simeon FINCH settled in the south part of the town, on Brakel Creek, and died June 9, 1858, aged 84, and Zilpah, his wife, March 11, 1864, aged 89.

    Solomon ENSIGN settled in the central part of the town, and died June 18, 1864, aged 93, and Elizabeth, his wife, August 20, 1847, aged 77. He was the father of Judge Solomon Ensign, who died May 11, 1872, aged 77.

    Lorin COOK came in with his father, Solomon Cook, from Marlborough, Mass., about 1812, and settled near the old cemetery in the north-east corner of the town, where he carried on the blacksmith business so long as he was able to work. He married Hannah, daughter of Timothy WARNER, and died April 30, 1878, aged 80. Solomon afterwards removed to Lincklaen, his title to his place in Pitcher proving defective.

Becoming sick he returned to live with his son Lorrin, and died there of consumption.

Merchants:- The first merchant in Pitcher, and the first also in the town, was Reuben ROOT, who came from Burlington, Otsego county, in the summer of 1805, and traded two or three years in a building which stood on the site of Bemiss & Barrett's store. He returned to Otsego county. A man named GRAY came from the West about a year after Root left and traded two or three years. A man named BUTTERFIELD traded a short time about the time Gray left.

    Zalmon FAIRCHILD was the first prominent merchant in this place. He is a son of Benjamin Fairchild, one of the pioneer settlers in this town, and came here with his parents at the age of seven years, in 1795, and commenced trading about 1810, in a small frame building which occupied the site of Benjamin Fairchild's residence. The building stood till within a few years, when it was removed to the west part of the town and used as a barn. His stock of goods, it is said, were kept at first in a chest. He continued in trade till about 1858 or '60 when he sold to O. F. FORBES, who had been his partner three years previously. Mr. Forbes formed a co-partnership with Orlando COY, which continued about a year, when Forbes bought Coy's interest and entered into partnership with E. A. FISH, with whom he continued about five years, when they sold to William and Addison TAYLOR, brothers, from Plymouth, where they had kept a small store. They traded till about 1874, when they sold their goods to Bemiss and Barrett.

    E. Clark LYONS came from Cazenovia in 1841, and kept the hotel at Pitcher seven years. He then engaged in the mercantile business and opened, in 1848, the first drug store in the village, which he continued till 1869, when he sold the building to Giles HYDE, who immediately sold to L. E. DARLING, who opened a hardware store and tinshop which, after a short time he sold to Francis B. RECORD, of Otselic, who, after two years, sold to Fayette F. BENNETT, who traded till his death, Nov. 9, 1875. William E. HARRINGTON, a native of Pitcher, bought out Bennett's heirs in December, 1875, and still continues the business.

    E. W. ALLEN, who was for several years pastor of the Congregational church in Pitcher, commenced trading here about 1867, and continued about three years, when he removed to Walla Walla.

    Theron and Thurlow BLACKMAN, brothers, of Pitcher, traded here from 1876 till the spring of 1879, when they assigned.

    The merchants at present doing business here, besides Mr. Harrington, are Bemiss & Barrett, Frank P. HAKES and William SAXTON.

    Bemiss & Barrett, (Solomon K. BEMISS and Charles M BARRETT,) are general merchants. The business was established March 1, 1869.

    Frank P. HAKES, dealer in drugs and groceries, commenced business in February, 1873.

    William SAXTON, general merchant, commenced business April 11, 1878.

Postmasters:- The first post-office at Pitcher was established in June, 1841, as West Pitcher. The name was changed to Pitcher, February 23, 1842. E. Clark LYONS was the first postmaster and held the office twenty years continuously. William TAYLOR succeeded him in 1861, and after a short time was followed by Thomas CARTER. After Carter the office was held successively by A. D HARRINGTON, Thomas McELROY, E. W. ALLEN and Solomon K. BEMISS, the present incumbent, who was appointed April 3, 1871.

    The first post-office in the town was at Chandler's Corners, a mile north of Pitcher village, and Jonathan CHANDLER, who had an ashery and small grocery there, was the postmaster. The office was subsequently removed to Pitcher Springs.

Physicians:- The first physician who located in Pitcher was Dr. JOHNSON, about 1808 or '9. He practiced here but a short time and went to Norwich. If the person here referred to is Jonathan JOHNSON, of Norwich, it is doubtful if he ever located here, though he might, and probably did extend his ride into this locality at that early day.

    David McWHORTER, a nephew of Dr. John McWhorter, of Cincinnatus, practiced here from an early day, about the opening of the war of 1812, till 1849. He removed to Michigan. Drs. Stephen R. BRADLEY, Russell BALLOU and Lyman ROSE practiced here for short periods.

    Dr. Horace HALBERT, the present physician at Pitcher, was born in Union Valley, Cortland county, June 8, 1826.

North Pitcher

Merchants:- The first merchant at North Pitcher was a man named KINNEY, who did business about two years from about the close of the war of 1812. Zira and David SMITH, brothers, were trading here about 1824, and continued some two or three years. Samuel PLUMB opened a store about 1830, and continued about two years. Roswell and Charles BLACKMAN, brothers, bought out Plumb in the spring of 1832, and traded some twelve years. J. A. Holmes & Co., (Zira SMITH, Jethro HATCH and David BLACKMAN,) commenced business about 1835, and continued about two years. J. S. BLACKMAN and Monroe SMITH traded some two or three years about the beginning of the war. There have been no other merchants of note.
Postmasters:- The post-office at North Pitcher was established about 1828. Samuel PLUMB was the first postmaster. He held the office several years, and has been succeeded by J. S. BLACKMAN, Wilbur KNOWLES, Edward FOX, Israel TUTTLE and Lucius E. PIERCE, the latter of whom is the present incumbent, having held the office since May 25, 1871. Pitcher Springs
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