History of New Berlin

    New Berlin was formed from Norwich, April 3, 1807 (name was changed to Lancaster May 9, 1821; orginal name restored March 22, 1822.)

    This, the 16th Township, as well as the 17th, as we have previously seen, were purchased by John TAYLOR, of Albany, in the interest of himself and associates, John I. MORGAN, William SIMMONS and William B BOYD, of New York city.

    The first settlement in New Berlin was made in 1790, by Daniel SCRIBNER, who came with his family from Ballston, Saratoga county, intending at first to settle in Morris, Otsego county, but learning of Indian improvements on the Unadilla that could be purchased, he left his family at the head of Otsego Lake, and set out for that place, traveling through the woods until he arrived at a small clearing on the west bank of the Unadilla, opposite the Indian Fields in Pittsfield, where he found apple trees growing from seeds planted by the Indians, and there he located. Having decided upon his location he returned for his family, which he brought by canoe down the Susquehanna and up the Unadilla to the locality selected for his future home. He built a large and commodious log house on a piece of high ground a short distance from the river, commanding a fine view of the valley. There he opened the first inn in the town. There, too, occasionally, the town meetings of Norwich, which then embraced this town, were held. He was an industrious, prudent farmer, and with the help of his two sons, Samuel and Gamaliel, who were nearly grown up, he soon cleared up his farm.

    During the first year of his residence in this place he was obliged to go to Chenango Forks for grain for subsistence. This journey he performed in a canoe, down the Unadilla and Susquehanna to Binghamton, thence up the Chenango to the Forks. Having purchased his grain he returned by the same route, extending his journey up the Susquehanna to Wattles Ferry, where was the most accessible grist-mill. The journey occupied eighteen days and the distance traveled was nearly two hundred miles. So great was the labor of carrying grists to mill that the primitive method of reducing the grain by the mortar and pestle was resorted to. A little later when the number of settlers had increased, in order to lessen the burden, their grists were united and brought to Scribner's, whence they were conveyed in a canoe constructed from an immense pine tree, to Tubb's mill at Toddsville, near Cooperstown. Two men, though sometimes only one, took charge of the cargo. The journey there and back occupied a week, and sometimes more.

    Samuel ANDERSON and Silas BURLINGAME were among the first settlers on lots 76 and 77, on which New Berlin village is located.

    ANDERSON came from Massachusetts the latter part of the last century and erected his dwelling on the north bank of the creek which runs through New Berlin village, between the creek and S. L. MORGAN's store.

    Silas BURLINGAME came from Providence, R.I., and settled on lot 76, south-east of the bank. He had several children, some of whom settled near him. Josiah, his eldest son, built his house near where the old factory store now stands, the latter being now occupied as a dwelling. His barn yet remains as one of the old landmarks of former times. The premises are now owned by Delos MEDBURY. Josiah taught the first school in New Berlin. The first frame school-house stood near the iron bridge across the Unadilla in the village of New Berlin. Another son, Daniel, was a distinguished pioneer preacher of the Methodist church. His house stood on the east street near the iron bridge. Joel, son of Daniel, and father of Hon. Anson Burlingame, was born in that house. He was a man of strong mind, great energy and considerable acquirements. He removed in 1824 to a farm in Seneca county, Ohio, where he lived for ten years, and in 1833, again removed to Detroit, and from thence two years later to a farm at Branch, in Michigan. He was a delegate from Oregon to the Convention which nominated Abraham Lincoln for President.

    Anson Burlingame, the distinguished diplomatist, was born in Ambler Settlement in this town, Nov. 14, 1820, and was three years old when his father removed to Ohio.

    Levi BLAKESLEE, Charles KNAP, Joseph MOSS and Jeremy GOODRICH were the chief promoters of New Berlin's prosperity. In 1800 BLAKESLEE purchased a building lot of Silas BURLINGAME, on the corner where Fuller, Ball & Co.'s store now stands. He built a small, one-story dwelling house and store under one roof. This was the first store in the town. From him the place was for some time known as Blakeslee's Corners. He was associated in the mercantile business at different times with Harry W. GREEN and Ebenezer BIVINS, the latter his son-in-law. After discontinuing mercantile business he kept tavern several years in the building near the depot, owned by Lorenzo JAQUITH. Mr. Blakeslee built a paper-mill on the site next above the furniture establishment of G. W. BENTLEY & Son, and till recently occupied by the mill of Daniel HARRINGTON. The paper-mill was burned a few years ago, rebuilt, and again burned in November, 1877, but not rebuilt. In those days paper was made by hand, with the help of very little machinery. It was pressed by a screw press turned with a lever, and dried in the sun or air, in an open room on tenter bars. The process was slow and required the labor of many persons. He also owned the grist-mill built by Daniel VAIL, which stood on the site of the furniture factory, and was burned in October, 1878. He gave much aid to public improvements.

    Charles KNAP came to New Berlin in the spring of 1801 and commenced the business of tanning. The same spring he married Betsey, daughter of Thomas LOOMIS, a soldier of the Revolution. He afterwards built a mill to manufacture oil from flax seed, a woolen factory, and the store owned by J. S. BRADLEY. Gen. H. DeFOREST was his partner in the mercantile business and the manufacture of woolen cloth. Mr. Knap was once the President of the Bank of Chenango, at Norwich, and his son Tracy was the President of the First National Bank of New Berlin at its organization. Only one child, Charles, now living in Philadelphia, is left. The elder Knap died Oct. 21, 1852, aged 78, and his wife, Oct. 7, 1849, aged 66.

    Joseph MOSS was born Sept. 8, 1775, and was one of the early settlers of the town. In 1812, when the Farmers' and Mechanics' Manufacturing Company was chartered, he became its agent. Under his supervision the dam across the Unadilla in New Berlin village was built, and a canal was constructed from it to the place of business, a small wooden building which stood on the site of the new grist-mill, where the manufacture of cotton cloth was begun. The yarn was spun by water-power machinery, but wove into cloth by hand, as water-power looms were not then in use. Weavers from near and distant neighborhoods were employed to weave the yarn into cloth, and performed the labor at their homes. The business increased to such an extent and in 1827 a large stone factory was erected and water-power looms introduced to accommodate it. That building was destroyed by fire the same season, and rebuilt in 1828, and the business was continued under the agency of Mr. Moss till 1849, when the business agency terminated. Mr. Moss died Oct. 29, 1859. Horace Moss, son of Joseph, who during his father's agency in the cotton mill was engaged there as clerk, is the only child remaining here.

    Jeremy GOODRICH came from Connecticut in the latter part of the last century. He married Lydia, daughter of the widow Abigail DOWNING, who then lived in a log house on the Captain Samuel WHITE farm, now occupied by the widow of his son Samuel White, nearly opposite to where the old brewery stood. Goodrich commenced the manufacture of potash and pearlash from black salts. In the early settlement of the town the business of clearing the lands and boiling black salts was an important one, for that was the only product the settlers relied onto obtain money to pay for their farms. No other product could be sold for money in those primitive days. His ashery was on the north side of the village creek, near the North street bridge.

    Mr. Goodrich became the owner by purchase from Samuel ANDERSON, of the land where the ashery stood, on both sides of the creek down to the Unadilla. In 1798, he built on the south side of the creek a small structure which was the first frame house in the town. There for a term, from about 1802, he sold merchandise, and in the process of business, about 1814 or '15, he erected a large wooden building fronting the east and north streets. The eastern part was made into a dwelling for the family, and the other part into a large store, in which he carried on mercantile business for many years in connection with his potash and pearlash business. He also kept tavern in that building for a while. The building was recently torn down by Mr. JACOBS, who bought the property. In addition to his other multifarious business, he was postmaster for some years. He died Jan. 9, 1830, aged 61, leaving a valuable property. His wife died April 6, 1833, aged 52; and her mother in 1841, aged 83, retaining full vigor of her mental faculties to the last.

    Captain Samuel WHITE, a native of one of the eastern States, settled about 1793, on the farm now occupied by the widow and daughter of his son Samuel, in the north edge of New Berlin village, and the north part of lot 76. The farm has since been cut up into smaller ones and village lots. His first house was a log structure. He afterwards built a small frame house with a quaint scalloped piazza in the front. Captain White, after he had cleared his farm, engaged extensively in apple culture. He transplanted from a distant nursery a thousand young apple trees, mostly grafted, and covered the whole hillside of his farm with the orchard which, in after years, furnished the inhabitants far and near choice and valuable fruit. Being on elevated ground, the orchard, when in blossom, presented a gorgeous and beautiful appearance amid the surrounding forest scenery. He died June 4, 1814, aged 49, and Isabella, his wife, March 15, 1844, aged 75. He left sons and daughters to inherit the fruits of his labors, all of whom are gone, except David H., who still lives in the village.
    Artemas HERRICK with some kinsmen and families settled on lot 74, while the town was a wilderness, except here and there a small bit of clearing and a log house. He was an enterprising, energetic pioneer. He built a dam across the Unadilla adjoining his farm, and erected a grist-mill and saw-mill. With the exception of Job VAIL's mill, which dates from nearly the same time (1795 or '6,) these were the first mills on the Unadilla. They proved a great convenience to the settlers. The Herrick farm, the Herrick mills and Herrick Brook, were familiar names to the early settlers, but do not dwell in the memory of the present generation. After the farm was sold to pay debts incurred by Herrick in building the mills and making other improvements, and he had gone to other lands, the stream was called the Aunt Pat Brook, the pet name of a celebrated ancient landlady, whose husband kept a tavern a few rods over the line in another town, which name it retains to the present day, although the landlord, the landlady and the tavern itself have long ago ceased to exist, and the mills, passing to other hands, are now known as the red mills, and owned by Mr. LOW, who changed the grist-mill into a cheese-box factory, which now stands unused, a wreck of its former usefulness.
    Gideon PECK, HERRICK's father-in-law, was well advanced in years when he left his native home in Connecticut to settle in the new country log cabin. The ten acre lot which Mr. Peck owned was bought of Aretmas Herrick, and is now owned by Mr. PORTER. His log house stood on the hill to the west side or the road, and the frame dwelling which he and his aged wife afterwards lived stood at the foot of the hill on the east side of the road. Both buildings have long since been torn down.
    Sabin WARNER, another settler on lot 74, was a thrifty farmer. His wife is yet living on the farm with one of her sons, who now manages it.
    Richard STONEMAN, was the only early settler on HERRICK's lot (74). He was from London, England, or its neighborhood, and arrived at New Berlin about the beginning of the present century. He purchased a few acres of Herrick in the north-west corner of that lot.
    John and Stephen G. SIMMONS, brothers, were natives of New York city. Their father, who was wealthy, was the owner of several lots in New Berlin and Columbus. John Simmons, in the beginning of of the first settlement of this town, located on one of his father's lots, No. 75, adjoining the ANDERSON lot on the north, and his brother, Stephen G., about the same time, on another of their father's lots, No. 78, adjoining the BURLINGAME lot on the south. John Simmons, after making some improvements sold his farm to Thomas STEERE, a Rhode Island farmer, who emigrated from that State with his brother-in-law, Major Chas. HARRIS, who bought the north part of that lot, and Steere the south part, except a piece on the east end adjoining the river, which Simmons had previously sold to Levi BLAKESLEE, and a piece on the west end which he had sold to Jeremy GOODRICH. Steere and Harris were practical farmers and brought the Simmons; farm to a good state of cultivation. Mr. HARRIS died May 24, 1828.

    Thomas STEERE left his farm to his children on his decease, and after passing through the hands of seven owners, it is now owned by Warren REYNOLDS, a son-in-law of Welcome ARNOLD's, who has lately erected a large, commodious and splendid dwelling on the ground.

    About 1797, Thomas BROWN came with his family and effects from Rhode Island, the land of his nativity, to New Berlin. One or two years previous James and Barnabas, his sons, had been sent to explore the new country and prepare a dwelling place for the family. They came with an ox team, bringing some necessary articles for the occasion, and fixed the future home of the family on a lot situated on Great Brook.

    Thomas Brown died about 1814. His son James inherited the homestead and at his death it descended to his heirs. It is now owned by the heirs of Jason MATTHEWSON.

    Barnabas Brown married Nancy, daughter of Nathaniel MEDBURY and settled on the lot next to Samuel ANDERSON's on the west, about a half mile west of New Berlin, on the farm now occupied by Thomas LOW. He commenced house-keeping in a new log house erected for that purpose near where the old orchard stands, on the north side of the road running east and west through the farm. The orchard was among his first works after he commenced clearing up his farm. After a few years he built a more commodious house, where yet may be seen the old red-painted, one story, steeple-roof building which was the residence of Judge Barnabas Brown, amidst his happy family of sons and daughters, through a long and useful life spent in private and public employment. He was commissioned Justice of the town of New Berlin by the Council of Appointment and served in that capacity several years. He was Supervisor for several years in succession, in which office he has been reputed even to the present day the best Supervisor the town every had. He was Judge in the Common Pleas Court in the Clintonian times of State politics. He died Dec. 6, 1855, at the ripe age of 93 years, 11 months and 3 days. His wife died March 6, 1846, aged 69. Lewis Brown, son of Barnabas, is residing in New Berlin village; and Peleg, another son, is a resident of Alabama.

    The ARNOLDs and MEDBURYs came from Rhode Island. Nathaniel MEDBURY was the leading one. He purchased the wild lot adjoining on the south the farm of Thomas BROWN on Great Brook, and with the help of his son Hezekiah, a stalwart young man, soon transformed the wild woods into well-cultivated fields. He represented this county in the Assembly in 1812-'13, but was stricken down before the close of his term by a virulent epidemic which entered the Hall of Legislature. His son Hezekiah remained on the farm many years after his father's death. He finally sold the homestead and removed to the town of Bainbridge, where he died Feb. 22, 1859, aged 79.

    Benjamin MEDBURY, a relative of Hon. Nathaniel Medbury's, and co-immigrant with him settled on the next lot south of the latter. Joseph Medbury, a brother of Benjamin's, settled on a lot a short distance north of the James Brown premises, where he remained till his death. Stephen Medbury, another brother of Benjamin's, settled on the hill west of New Berlin village. He was a good enterprising farmer and turned his wild lot into an excellent farm. He also carried on the trade of cooper. He died May 2, 1856, aged 85, and Tabitha, his wife, April 25, 1852, aged 75.

    Jabez ARNOLD came from Gloucester, R.I., his native place, in 1802, and settled about one and one-fourth miles west of New Berlin, on the farm now occupied by his grandson Eddy Arnold, where he resided till his death. He had a large family of sons and daughters, who occupied distinguished places among New Berlin's inhabitants. Five sons and two daughters accompanied him in the settlement. [Benjamin, Thomas, Lucy, Lucretia, Samuel, Eddy and Jabez.] One son, Welcome, remained behind, and followed the family in 1805, Othniel, the eldest son, came in 1799, in company with Thomas RICHMOND, a carpenter and joiner, of whom he was learning the trade, and with whom he staid {sic} until his father came in. William, the youngest, was born here, and died at the age of about nineteen. The MEDBURYs, BROWNs, and ARNOLDs were intimately connected by intermarriage and were a numerous class among the settlers.

    William and Andrew KNIGHT, brothers, came from Gloucester, R.I., about 1799. The former sold his farm to Jabez ARNOLD in 1802, and returned with his family to Rhode Island. Andrew settled in the south part of New Berlin village, where Sanford KINGSBURY now lives, and some five or six years after removed with his family to Pittsfield, Otesgo county. Harriet, wife of Alfred THOMPSON, living in New Berlin village, is a daughter of Andrew's.
    Capt. Barnet and Caleb HILL, brothers, and Michael PHILLIPS, were the first settlers on the land lying between the Silas BURLINGAME lot, 77, now a part of the village site, and the Jabez ARNOLD lot. Caleb Hill died June 26, 1814, aged 59. The Barnet Hill farm is now in the hands of his grandson, a son of Nehemiah, residing at New Berlin village. Two other sons of Barnet's, one named Barnet, are living in Pittsfield, below the Indian Fields. Capt. Barnet Hill died Nov. 24, 1832, aged 71. The Michael PHILLIPS farm is now owned by Darius ATHERTON.
    Reeve and John DILLEY, brothers, settled on a wild lot next west of one of the SIMMONS' lots, west of Great Brook.

    Asa WILLIAMS settled on a wild lot some little distance from the DILLEY's, towards Norwich.

    Nehemiah LEACH came from Connecticut about 1804, and settled on a side-hill lot beyond Asa WILLIAMS, near the west line of the town, which was afterwards known as Leach Hill. The farm is now occupied by Josiah ROWLEY. About this time he married Anne AYLESWORTH, of Edmeston, Otsego county. He lived there till within a few years of his death, when he removed to an adjacent farm in the town of North Norwich, where he died in 1847. He had a numerous family, six of whom are still living in the county, viz:-Athelinda, widow of Harvey SHERMAN, Eliza Ann, who is living in Pitcher; Lavinia, widow of Brown TIFFANY, living in Norwich; Nehemiah, the keeper of the Chenango county poor-house; and Julania, wife of Alvin COOK, now living in Lincklaen.

    William and John MAYHEW, brothers, settled on a lot near one of the SIMMONS' lots, on Great Brook.

    Isaac SHERMAN settled on the brook emptying into Great Brook, west of the Mayhews, and built on his farm a saw-mill. It was among the first erected in the town and furnished much valuable pine lumber. It is still in operation and it, as well as the farm, are still in possession of his descendants.

    Isaac and Abner BURLINGAME, brothers, settled on Great Brook, on the lot next north of the SIMMONS' lots.

    Noah MATTHEWSON, a strong, robust Rhode Islander, came about 1800 and settled first on the Unadilla. He afterwards removed to and built his log cabin on the high land near the pond which bears his name. He soon after built a more commodious one-story frame dwelling, which still stands, and was one of the first frame buildings erected in the town. His son, Noah, resides on a farm near the pond. Waterman Matthewson is also a son of his.

    Stephen SKINNER, at an early day, settled on the same highland ridge some miles north of MATTHEWSON's farm, and near the north line of the town. The place is known as Skinner Hill.

    Stephen and Nathaniel KINNEY were among the first settlers in the neighborhood of Mr. SKINNER. William ROBINSON was one of the first settlers in the same neighborhood.

    Thomas SARLE, a native of Rhode Island, settled on a river lot a short distance below SCRIBNER tavern.

    Asa ANGELL settled on the lot below the SARLE farm. He came from Rhode Island, moving his young family on an ox sled. The journey occupied four weeks. Mr. Angell was an exemplary man.

    William, Pliny and Joseph PHELPS, brothers, settled on the river on adjoining farms, a little below the Dr. FOOTE farm. William, as he advanced in years, occasionally went forth to preach the gospel, which he conceived to be his duty.

    Job VAIL, who is reputed to have been tinctured with tory sentiments during the Revolution, was a pioneer in the valley of the Unadilla. He took up a lot near the Asa ANGELL farm. After he had provided a shelter for his family he next built a grist-mill and saw-mill, two conveniences greatly needed and appreciated in the new settlement. [These mills, located at New Berlin Center, were, says French's Gazettteer of the State of New York, the first in the town, and built in 1795 or '6; but that work says the saw-mill was built by Job VAIL, and the grist-mill, by Daniel VAIL, on lot 74. Mr. John HYDE, our informant, ascribes the origin of both to Job VAIL, and says they "were the first mills in the town, with the exception of HERRICK's mills, which were built about the same time."]
    Nathan TAYLOR owned the lot on which the village of South New Berlin is located. He was an honest and industrious farmer and took an active part in the management of town business. He held town office from time to time, was a Justice under the Council of Appointment, and for some time a Judge of he Court of Common Pleas.
    John AMBLER was an early settler on Great Brook, at what is known as Ambler Settlement, a name the locality derives from him.
    Charles RICH was an early settler on an adjoining farm.
    Jonathan MATTHEWSON settled near Ambler Settlement and was actively and extensively engaged in business.
    Peleg FIELD came from Scituate, R.I., in 1796, and the following year opened a shop and worked at his trade of blacksmith. He was the first blacksmith in the town, and was for many years the only man in the county who had a trip-hammer or who could fix mill irons. He was born Jan. 30, 1776, and died Jan. 10, 1857.

    Captain Lemuel MUNROE was also a blacksmith. He came about the beginning of the present century and opened a shop on the south side of the street in New Berlin village. His home stood on the place now owned by the widow of Benajah CHAPIN. At his death, May 28, 1818, aged 58, he left the homestead property to his son, Lines W. Munroe.

    Jacob BREWER another blacksmith, settled on the opposite side of the street. The shop he occupied is still standing, though but a wreck of its former usefulness.

    John PIKE, also a blacksmith, purchased the old shop and carried on the blacksmith business several years. He married Parmelia, sister of General WELCH, who died April 25, 1830, aged 37. After her death he married the widow HARRIS. He died May 31, 1860, aged 68.

    Lewis WINSLOW, who built, owned and occupied the house where his daughter, the widow of William MANN, now lives, was a carpenter, and worked at his trade till the time of his death.

    A man named TAMMANY, who was a tailor, had a shop and worked at his trade where the widow of Albert SPENCER now lives. He was the first person to engage in that business in New Berlin.

    Gen. Augustus C. WELCH was prominent among the early settlers. He was engaged in the manufacture of nails in a shop which stood on the north bank of the creek which runs through New Berlin village, between the creek and MORGAN's store. When machinery was introduced in the manufacture of nails Mr. Welch abandoned the nail business and engaged in mercantile business and inn keeping. He purchased the tavern-stand on the corner now occupied by Mr. GASKIN, which was then a small building, having been enlarged by subsequent owners. He built a store west of the tavern and during the most active portion of his life continued these two branches of business. He purchased the lot and built the house now occupied by J. T. WHITE, where he lived the rest of his life. That part of the building now occupied by the bank he used a while for a store. He then bought the corner formerly owned by L. BLAKESLEE, tore down the old Blakeslee store, and built that now occupied by Fuller, Ball & Co., where he traded until his last sickness, the better part of the time in company with John T. WHITE, who had formerly been his clerk, and is now cashier of the New Berlin Bank. He held various town offices; was Member of Assembly from this county in 1827; and in 1828 was elected Sheriff of the county. In the military service he passed through the different grades from a private soldier to the rank of Brigadier-General. He died Jan. 23, 1853, aged 66; and Sally, his wife, Feb. 27, 1841, aged 48.
    Charles MEDBURY, a cooper by trade, was an enterprising man and took an active part in the early settlement of New Berlin. His dwelling, an old-fashioned two-story building stood on the south side of East street in New Berlin village. He worked at his trade for several years. His shop stood on the same premises. He also kept tavern a part of the time. He afterwards engaged in mercantile business, in which he was interested a part of the time with Ebenezer BIVINS, an educated apothecary, with whom he continued till the latter's marriage and business association with his father-in-law, L. BLAKESLEE. He died May 23, 1859; and Lucretia, his wife, Jan. 16, 1870. They had a large family of children.
    The first settler on the site of Holmesville was Jedediah HOLMES, who came from the New England States about 1804, with his family, consisting of his wife, Hannah BROWN, and eight children. He located just above the grist-mill in that place. His log house stood some five rods north of the mill. The place derives its name from his son, Abraham, who was extensively engaged in business enterprises here. In 1832 he removed to Ohio, and he and his wife died there.
    Uzziel ROE setttled early in the west part of the town and died in North Norwich, Aug. 24, 1860, aged 84. Sarah, his first wife, died Feb. 8, 1848, aged 70; and Patience, his second wife, Feb. 6, 1857, aged 87.
    Lawson JUDSON came from Connecticut about 1814 and settled in New Berlin village. He bought a lot on South street and built thereon a one-story house and shop, which he afterwards raised to the dignity of a two-story dwelling.

    Russel CHENEY, who became the owner of JUDSON's place and whose widow still owns it, married Phila, daughter of Charles HARRIS, and during her life worked at the shoemaker's trade. Some time after her death, (Sept. 5, 1860, aged 59,) he sold the place formerly occupied, purchased the Judson premises, and married Miss PRATT. He died Feb. 27, 1871, aged 73.

    David ATHERTON, who was a saddler, came from Connecticut and built a one-story dwelling on the premises now occupied by Amenzo CADY's shop and the MEDBURY store in New Berlin village. He afterwards sold to Isaac VANDYKE and removed to the adjoining town of Columbus. His wife died here Dec. 2, 1809, aged 27.

    Calvin THOMPSON, a carpenter and joiner, was one of the early settlers in New Berlin village. He was much esteemed for his industrious and quiet habits. His son, Alfred Thompson, occupies the homestead, which is situated on the west side of the road a little below the Baptist church.
Merchants:- The prominent early merchants in New Berlin were Levi BLAKESLEE and Jeremy GOODRICH. The former commenced trading in 1800, and the latter about 1802. Both have been fully noticed in connection with the early settlers.

    Lawrence McINTYRE, an Irishman, traded a few years in the building now occupied by George SAGE, the frame part of which he built about 1805 or '6. The building has since been remodeled and repaired.

    About 1815, Charles KNAP, who came from Connecticut, in 1801, and was engaged in the tanning business in New Berlin, built the brick store now occupied by Jesse S. BRADLEY, and commenced mercantile business in company with Henry DeFOREST, who came from Connecticut to Edmeston, in Otsego county, and from thence about 1815 to New Berlin. After they dissolved partnership, DeForest built the store now occupied by S. L. MORGAN, where he traded in company with Silas A. CONKEY.

    Wm. Turpin BROWN, son of Barnabas Brown, a pioneer settler in this town, traded here some five or six years immediately preceding his death, which occurred March 9, 1856.

    Coleman & Joyce opened the first drug store in the early part of the present century, in the small gamble-roof building on the north side of East street, now occupied as a dwelling by the widow RHODES. They traded here several years, but had moved previous to 1816. Asahel HATCH came from Hamilton about 1814 and after Dr. COLEMAN's removal engaged in the drug business, to which both he and Coleman had been specially educated. Hatch occupied the store built by Isaac VAN DYKE on South street, known as the Medbury store. He left New Berlin about 1818. Ebenezar BIVINS succeeded Hatch in the drug business in the same store. He married here the eldest daughter of Levi BLAKESLEE.

    The following are engaged in mercantile business in New Berlin: Morgan Finch & Phelps, dealers in general merchandise. The business represented by this firm was commenced in 1857 by Solomon L. MORGAN.

    George SAGE is carrying on a general merchandise business which was established in the fall of 1860, by W. A. LULL and William A. MEDBURY, the former from Morris and the latter a native of New Berlin. They continued in company till August 7, 1868, when Medbury sold to C. L. ROBINSON and E. A. SAGE, and the name became Robinson, Lull & Sage. April 7, 1873, Robinson withdrew and George and Andrew J. Sage became partners, under the name of Lull, Sage & Co. In 1875, Andrew J. Sage, retired, and the remaining partners continued the business till the fall of 1878, when they sold to George Sage, the present proprietor.

    Fuller, Ball & Co., general merchants, are the successors to a business established in 1863, by E. R. FULLER, a native of Cooperstown, who removed to New Berlin with his parents in 1836, at the age of two years. In 1865, Henry M. CUSHING became his partner, and the business was conducted under the name of Fuller & Cushing till 1868, when Cushing retired and I. K. BALL and J. M. ANGELL became his associates. The business has since been conducted under the name of Fuller, Ball & Co., though Mr. Angell retired in 1878.

    James McFARLAND, clothier, commenced business in 1864. He had worked the three preceding years for Morgan & Hawkins of New Berlin.

    Jesse B. BRADLEY, hardware merchant, commenced business in 1865, in which year he bought of Henry TEW, who came from Morris and traded five years.

    Charles H. POPE, dealer in boots, shoes, groceries and ready made clothing, commenced business in 1866, in which year he bought out I. T. BUTTERFIELD, for whom he had clerked seven years.

    Dimock & Matterson, (George C. C. DIMOCK and Truman I. MATTERSON,) general merchants, have done business in company since 1867.

    Church, Morgan & Co., (C. A. CHURCH, S. L. MORGAN and C. L. ROBINSON,) dealers in flour, feed, coal, lime, plaster and grain, commenced business in 1870. The only change which has taken place in the firm occurred in 1876, when C. L. ROBINSON took the place of George and Eugene A. SAGE and W. A. LULL, who were members of the original firm.

    Hazard & Dykes, (Dr. A. C. HAZARD and James L. DYKES,) druggists, commenced business Jan. 10, 1871. They bought, at his death, the stock of E. E. BLOSSOM, who came from Norwich in the fall of 1868.

    Henry J. HALSTEAD, hardware dealer, commenced business here in 1871, in company with B. J. HAIGHT under the name of B. J. Haight & Co. In March, 1879, he bought Mr. Haight's interest. Mr. Halstead is a native of Otsego county and came here from Oxford.

    L. Spafard & Co., (Lewis SPAFARD and A D. SPRAGUE,) general merchants, commenced business in 1875.

    Adelbert H. HANDY, grocer and baker, commenced business in October, 1874, at which time he bought out Adelbert SNOW, who did business here about a year and a half. Mr. Handy is a native of New Berlin.

    G. W. BENTLEY & Son, (Edward C.,) furniture dealers and undertakers, came in 1876 from Brookfield, where the Elder Bentley established the business in 1853, continuing there the manufacturing interest, in company with his son Edward C. from 1872, until Feb. 10, 1879, when the establishment at Brookfield was burned. After the fire at Brookfield, the manufacturing department, which gives employment to eight persons, was transferred to New Berlin, where the sales department had been since 1876. A building, thirty by fifty feet, three stories high, was erected for its accommodation on Mill Creek, in New Berlin village, which affords a fall at this point of about thirty feet. The building was begun May 1, 1879, and was ready for occupancy July 1st, following. They manufactured all kinds of furniture and burial caskets. Their ware-house is in the building formerly occupied by E. A. BELL as a dry goods store, which they remodeled and repaired in November, 1879.

    Sidney E. OLIN, grocer, is a native of New Berlin, and commenced business in 1876. Tracey H. MORSE, merchant tailor, came here from Unadilla in 1877. Horace J. WOOD, druggist and grocer, commenced business in April, 1879. He came from Greene, where he had carried on the drug business ten years, and bought out the grocery stock of J. C. Oatley, to which he added drugs. He is a native of Utica. M. S. Willard & Co., (Mrs. G. W. ARCHAMBAULT,) bakers and confectioners commenced business August 14, 1879.

Postmasters:- The first postmaster in New Berlin was Jeremy GOODRICH, who has been succeeded in that office by Noah ELY, Samuel MEDBURY, William D. KNAP, John T WHITE, George W. WILLIAMS, Edward C. WILLIAMS, George W. SUMNER, Jesse BRADLEY, Arthur BATES, Joseph ARNOLD, Thomas A. AVERY, Stiles GRAY and Thompson WHITE, the latter of whom was appointed September 13, 1871, and is the present postmaster.
Physicians:- The first physician at New Berlin was Ebenezer ROSS, who came here from Connecticut about 1804-'05 and opened an office in a small building, afterwards occupied in part as a law office by John HYDE. It stood near the residence of Henry TEW, which was built by Dr. ROSS about 1815 or '16. He practiced here till his death Feb. 4, 1826, aged 46.

    Royal ROSS, nephew of Dr. Ebenezer Ross, who had lived and studied with his uncle, came from Connecticut, and attended Fairfield Medical College in company with Nathan BEARDSLEE, and with him removed to Sherburne and commenced the practice of medicine. He was licensed by the Chenango County Medical Society Nov. 10, 1821.

    Russell B. BURCH, from Hartwick, Otsego county, commenced practice here as early as 1830, and continued till within a short time of his death, from consumption, June 21, 1861, aged 54. Dr. P. H. HARD, who studied medicine with Dr. MITCHELL, of Norwich, and was licensed by the Chenango Medical Society in March, 1825, practiced here a year or two before 1840, and removed to Oswego. D. Herman GREY came here from the Eastern States about 1834, and removed in 1841 to Wisconsin. Caleb G. HALL was practicing here in 1840, and removed in the fall of that year to Cooperstown. James HARRINGTON, who was licensed by the Chenango County Medical Society in the fall of 1830, and was practicing with Dr. Hall, removed the same year to Pennsylvania. A. T. LYON was practicing here in 1850. Frank B. ABBOTT was practicing here in 1861, and G. A. JONES in 1868. They remained only two or three years. Abbott removed to Vallonia Springs, Broome county, and Jones to Albany.

    The present physicians are Dyer LOOMIS, Alvin C. HAZARD, James B. NOYES, Hobert S. DYE and Floyd D. BROOKS.

    Dyer LOOMIS was born in Ashfield, Mass., Feb. 5, 1801, and was educated in Sanderson's Academy in Ashfield. He pursued his medical studies with Dr. Barney Colwell, of St. Johnsville, N.Y., and subsequently with Dr. Daniel Ayers, of East Canada Creek, N.Y. He was licensed by the Montgomery County Medical Society in June, 1826, and was graduated at Fairfield Medical College Jan. 31, 1827. He commenced practice in Palatine and remained there five years. He removed thence to Butternuts, and after five years' practice there attended another course of lectures at Fairfield Medical College. After completing the course, in 1840, he removed to New Berlin, where he has practiced till within the last two years, when he retired from active practice. He still resides in New Berlin. He is the third son of Rev. Josiah Loomis.

    Alvin C. HAZARD was born in Great Bend, Penn., June 21, 1838, and was educated in the Academy in his native place. He commenced the study of medicine in 1860 with Dr. E. A. Wilmot, of Great Bend. In 1863, he entered the United States Railroad Medical Department, connected with the army, as assistant surgeon, serving in that capacity two years, and one year in charge of the United States Military Railroad Hospital at Alexandria, Va. He left the military service in January, 1866, and located at South New Berlin, where he practiced his profession for five years, removing in 1871 to the village of New Berlin, where he has since practiced. He was licensed by the Chenango County Medical Society in May, 1866. He was Supervisor of New Berlin in 1869, and was elected Sheriff of Chenango county in November, 1879, on the Republican ticket.

Lawyers:- The first lawyer to locate at New Berlin was Abijah BENNETT, who came with his parents from Connecticut the latter part of the last century and settled at Pittsfield, N.Y. About 1804 or '5 he removed to New Berlin and opened an office and practiced here till the war of 1812, when he entered the United States regular army, in which he held a lieutenant's commission, and died here July 18, 1813, aged 32.

    Noah ELY, who was born in Berkshire county, Mass., in 1786, came from thence to New Berlin about 1814 or '15, and practiced till old age compelled him to desist. He died here in January, 1871.

    Henry BENNETT was born in New Lisbon, Otsego county, Sept. 29, 1808. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1832. He located about this time in New Berlin and continued to practice here till his death. He was elected to Congress in 1848, and served in that capacity ten successive years, from 1849 to 1859. He lacked only one vote of being nominated for the sixth time to that office. In the 34th Congress, 1855-57, he was Chairman of the Committee on Public Lands, and reported a number of important bills for the benefit of the Western States. He was a member of the same committee in the 35th Congress.

    John P. USHER came from Brookfield, N.Y., about 1831 or '2, and read law with Hon. Henry BENNETT and subsequently with John HYDE, both of New Berlin. He was admitted about 1837, and practiced in company with his preceptor, Mr. Hyde, two years, when he removed to Indiana.

    Alonzo JOHNSON came from Milford, Otsego county, between 1830 and 1840. After practicing a year or two he removed to Greene.

    Henry O. SOUTHWORTH came from Bridgewater, Oneida county, about 1841 or '2, and completed his legal studies with Noah ELY. He practiced here a few years and removed to Rome.

    Samuel S. RANDALL, a native of Norwich, son of Perez Randall, practiced law here a few years previous to 1840, and married here.

    Nathan BEARDSLEE, a native of Pittsfield, Otsego county, came here about 1825 or '6, from Sherburne, where he lived a year or two. He practiced here till his death, Oct. 16, 1831, aged 35.

    George W. SUMNER, a native of Guilford, in this county, came to New Berlin as a student and read law with Henry BENNETT. He served as Justice of New Berlin two successive terms; and represented this county in the Assembly in 1864 and '5. He was drowned in Crooked Lake, Aug. 10, 1865, while visiting an associate Member of Assembly. He was born Dec. 27, 1821.

    The present lawyers in New Berlin are John HYDE, Oscar F. MATTERSON and Henry H. HARRINGTON.

    John HYDE was born in Franklin, Conn., June 24, 1791, and removed with his parents in 1802 to Columbus, then Brookfield. He commenced his law studies in 1811 with Stephen O. RUNYAN, of Oxford, and completed them with John TRACY. He was admitted in 1816 and commenced the practice of his profession that year in New Berlin, where he has since continued. Mr. Hyde is the author of some admirably written sketches on the early history of New Berlin and Columbus, which he has kindly placed at our disposal, and as he is an authority on these subjects we have made liberal extracts from them. In his old age he enjoys in an eminent degree the respect and confidence of his fellow townsmen, who have honored him at different times with various town offices.

    Oscar F. MATTERSON was born in Burlington, Otsego county, Aug. 29, 1832, and was educated in the common and select schools of his native town. He commenced the study of law in 1852, with George S. GORHAM, of Burlington, and was admitted in 1854. He commenced practice in December, 1855, in New Berlin, where he has since continued in company with W. F. JENKS.

    Henry H. HARRINGTON was born in Garrettsville, Otsego county, Oct. 17, 1838, and was educated in the academies of Cooperstown, Fort Plain and New Berlin, to which latter town his parents removed in 1854. He commenced the study of law in 1859, with James E. DEWEY, of Cherry Valley, with whom he remained till his admission in 1861. He was supervisor of New Berlin in 1868.

South New Berlin

Merchants:- The first merchant of whom we have any definite information was Judge Nathan TAYLOR, a native of Rhode Island, who came from Pittsfield, Mass., in 1803, with his young wife, and cleared up a farm in the south part of the village. He was the founder of South New Berlin, and was prominently identified with all its substantial interests. He was a Justice for fourteen years. He commenced trading here about 1812, in a building which stood on the south-east corner, on the site of Chancellor BABCOCK's store, and was afterwards burned.

    Caleb BOTTS came from Delaware county about 1820 and opened a store in a building which stood on the north-west corner, where the BREFFLE House now stands.

    Ephraim WOOD, who had been engaged in shoemaking at New Berlin, and had kept a small store a short time in Holmesville, commenced mercantile business here about 1835. He was a prominent merchant here for a good many years.

    The following are the merchants now engaged in business in South New Berlin:-

    C. B. and H. BABCOCK, (Charles B. and Hobart,) general merchants. This business was established in 1841, by Ephriam Wood, Jr., who was associated with Charles B. Babcock from 1854 to 1857, under the name of Wood & Babcock.

    Chancellor H. BABCOCK, general merchant, commenced business in 1863, at which time he bought out E. D. JACKSON.

    Frank VAN VALKENBURG, general merchant, commenced business in 1866, in company with his father-in-law, Elijah B. DIXON, whose interest he bought in February, 1871.

    George E. HAWLEY, druggist, commenced the general merchandise business here in 1867, in company with Charles E. BRETT. December, 1875, he established himself in the drug business.

    De Florence H. WALES, dealer in hardware and tinware, commenced business here April 1, 1878.

    There are two millinery shops in the village, one kept by Mrs. E. A. B ROOKS, who came from Burlington, Otsego county, in 1876, and commenced business in April, of that year; the other, by Mrs. William BASSETT, a native of South New Berlin, who commenced business in 1876.

Postmasters:- The first postmaster at South New Berlin was Judge Nathan TAYLOR, who procured the establishment of the office, which he kept several years, till about 1830, when he was succeeded by Caleb BOTTS, who was followed by Frederick PHELPS. He was probably followed by Daniel GIFFORD, who held the office in 1842, and was succeeded within a year by Alva BABCOCK, a blacksmith, who held it from about 1843 to 1850, when Nelson CRANDALL was appointed, and succeeded by Alva Babcock, who held it till 1861, when Grove BABCOCK, son of Alva, was appointed and held it till February 11, 1862, when Chancellor H. Babcock, the present incumbent, was appointed.
Physicians:- The first physician to locate at South New Berlin of whom the present inhabitants have any knowledge was Horatio G. KNIGHT, who came in at an early day, previous to 1813, and practiced till his death, June 8, 1821, aged 33. He was succeeded by Daniel BELLOWS, who practiced sixteen years, till about 1838, when he removed to Norwich. James HARRINGTON, whose parents were residents of the town, and Russel TAYLOR, were contemporaries in their settlement here and practiced in company some time. Harrington remained nine years, till 1843. Dr. Taylor, remained some five or six years, and sold to Dr. Dan FOOTE, son of Dr. Dan Foote, a very early physician and settler at New Berlin Centre, where he practiced, principally as a surgeon, till his death. The younger Foote practiced here about six years, and still resides in the village. John P. HARRIS, a native of Plymouth, came here from Norwich in 1843, and practiced about eight years, till his death, from softening of the brain. Elias M. JENKINS came from Andes, Delaware county, in 1862, and after practicing some four year removed to Michigan. Alvin C. HAZARAD came from Great Bend, Penn., in 1866, and after practicing a few years, removed in 1871 to New Berlin, where he is practicing.

    The present physicians in South New Berlin are Stanford C. GIBSON, William H. KINNIER and James R. WALKER. [Dr. Walker came from Mt. Upton Oct. 23, 1879. See page 243 (Mount Upton).]

    Stanford C. GIBSON was born in Berne, Albany county, Jan. 14, 1810.

    William H. KINNIER was born in Smithville, July 5, 1844.

Lawyers:- The first and only lawyer to locate at South New Berlin was Arthur BENNETT, who came from Oxford in the summer of 1878 and removed in the spring of 1879 to Tioga county.


Merchants:- The first merchant at Holmesville was Waterman FIELDS, a native of the town, whose father came from Rhode Island among the first settlers and located two miles west of New Berlin. Waterman Fields built his store in 1833, on the site of the store now occupied by Martin A. BURLINGAME. It is still standing, having been removed from its original location, and is now occupied as a residence by Mrs. Almira CASE.

    Abraham HOLMES, James ISBELL and Zara ARNOLD opened a store about 1844, in the building now occupied by Charles H. THORNTON, which was built for the purpose by Mr. Holmes about that time.

    Charles H. THORNTON, a native of Holmesville, is now trading here. The only other merchant now trading here is Martin A. BURLINGAME, who is a native of the place, but came here from New York, and commenced business Feb. 1, 1879.

Postmasters:- The post-office at Holmesville was established in the fall of 1871, and George MILLER was the first postmaster. He was succeeded in the office by the present incumbent, Wallace SHERBURNE.

New Berlin Centre

    Cemetery grounds of St. Andrew's Church in New Berlin: Civil War: Soldiers' Monument constructed of the best Rhode Island gray granite, stands over twenty feet high, and weighs over thirty-one tons. It is surmounted by the figure of a soldier of the same material. The names of the following persons who "Died for their Country" are inscribed upon it:- Front side. Smith HAIGHT, Jarvis HOWARD, John HARKINS, Chapman HOUGHTAILING, George E. JACOBS, Everett D. JACKSON, Wallace JACKSON, Morrell KINNEY, Morris J. LULL, Galen LULL, Clinton H. MEDBURY, Henry MARKS, Daniel W. PUTNAM, David PORTER, Francis M. PECK. Right side. Henry PICKENS, James READ, George W. ROBERTS, Jacob ROBINSON, Lewis REDDINGTON, LaFayette E. SHERBURNE, Stephen C. SCOTT, Lt. William D. THURBER, Louis Edwin TEW, John C. TALMAN, Edwin THATCHER, Cor'lius VAN VALKENBURGH, James J. WALES, Thomas WISWELL, James E. WOODMANSIE, Samuel WINSOR. Left side. William H. ANGELL, George AGARD, Lt. Isaac B. BURCH, Walter La F. BRIGGS, Chester L. BUCHANAN, Luther GAGE, William CHAMPLIN, Charles T. FIELD, Henry BENNETT, Jr., Andrew J. BURRELL, Delevan BURLINGAME, Frank BABCOCK, John BUNT, Chester COOK, Leonard EDWARDS, George FERGUSON.

[The monument bears the inscription- "Erected May 30, 1877."]

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