The settlement of the town was commenced in 1792, on lot 11, on the site of the present village of Greene, by Stephen KETCHUM, who came from Ballston Spa, Saratoga county, with an ox team to Oxford, and thence on a raft to his place of destination. Mr. KETCHUM was a man of great energy and character, and admirably fitted for pioneer life. His rude cabin, though not a public house in the common acceptation of that term, was the seat of a generous hospitality which was dispensed freely to all the adventurers in this section of the country. He was for many years the most noted man in the town; he was its first magistrate, and was the recipient of other important trusts. He died April 15, 1810, aged 58 years. His children and their descendants were among the most respected in the town. His sons were Stephen and Daniel, the former of whom died May 17, 1863, aged 85, and the latter, August 19, 1842, aged 42. Stephen married Esther SHELDON, who was born in Torrington, Conn., March 1, 1783, and died Sept. 10, 1847, aged 64. Hester, wife of Daniel, died April 17, 1866, aged 74. He had two daughters, both of whom are dead. One married Stephen BRADLEY, some of whose children are now living on the Genegantslet in this town; the other married William HOYT, none of whose children are living in the town. History of Greene
In the fall of this same year, 1792, the first detachment of a colony of French refugees, who are supposed to have arrived at Philadelphia the preceding year, came on and formed a settlement. They consisted of M. de BO LYNE, M. SHAMONT, M. LeFEVRE, M. BRAVO, M. DuVERNET and M. OBRE, who, with their associates, fled from their own country to escape the terrors of the revolution. One of their number, Charles Felix de BO LYNE*, had preceded the main body and purchased of Malachi TREAT and Wm. M. MORRIS, to whom it was patented in 1787 or '8, a tract of 15,835 acres on the east side of the Chenango, which was subdivided in 1792, by Captain John Harris, a surveyor, into about 150 lots of various sizes, exclusive of the French village plot. It was resurveyed in 1807, by William McAlpin.
* This name is variously spelled BULOIGN and BULOGNE. We have preferred to adopt the orthography of Charles Felix Bo Lyne BARNETT, of Greene, who was named after this worthy gentleman.
This advance party, a portion of whom had their families, which comprised some young ladies, came by the way of the Hudson and Mohawk rivers to Fort Plain, and thence across the country to Butternuts, in Otsego county, where they induced Simon BARNETT, a Frenchman, who had previously resided in Philadelphia, and had acquired some knowledge of the English language, to accompany them in their settlement in Greene. They were, mostly, gentlemen and ladies of education, refinement and polished manners, and their leader, M. de BO LYNE, is said to have been a titled nobleman in France. Until they could provide shelter for themselves and families they enjoyed the hospitality of Stephen KETCHUM, whom they employed to cut a road through the wilderness from their settlement in the "Chenango road," at or near the point where the east line of the present town of Greene intersects it. This road, the vestiges of which are still visible, seems to have never been used after the colony was broken up. A village plot was laid out, each lot containing ten acres, and the whole embracing about 300 acres.
"The plans of operation in carrying on their agricultural pursuits were the same adopted in many parts of their native country, where the agriculturist with his family resides in the village and owns and works a farm, more or less remote from his residence. With the view each was to select his farm on other portions of the tract, this combining social intercourse and good society with rural pursuits."
Rude dwellings were constructed from the materials at hand, and each settler proceeded to put a small patch of land under complete cultivation; while their supplies of provisions were drawn from great distances at much labor and expense. "Under these circumstances," says Dr. PURPLE, before quoted, "it is not strange that persons reared in affluence and accustomed to the pleasures of refined society should yield to the pressure of the misfortunes that soon overtook them."
In 1794 the little colony was visited by the celebrated French diplomatist, Talleyrand, who was then sojourning in this county. He came from Philadelphia on horseback, accompanied by a traveling companion and a servant, and after remaining here a few days, pursued his journey to Albany. Having while here made the acquaintance of M. DUTREMONT and family, who had previously joined the settlement, and become much interested in his eldest son, on leaving he prevailed of his parents to accompany him to France, where he subsequently became his private secretary.
In the spring of 1795, M. de BO LYNE, while on his way to Philadelphia, was drowned while crossing the Loyal Sock, a tributary of the west branch of the Susquehanna, then much swelled with the spring floods. This untimely death of their leader, and the failure to pay the balance of the purchase money due on their land (on which a considerable sum had been paid and a mortgage given for the balance,) and the consequent inability to secure valid titles thereto, led to the ultimate dispersion of the colonists, the majority of whom left in 1796. They descended the Chenango, in such boats as they could procure for the purpose, to its intersection with the Susquehanna, and thence down the river to a point on its western bank in Bradford county, Pa., where they again commenced a settlement which they named Asylum, but which afterward acquired the name of French Town.
Their lands in Greene reverted to the original patentees. Simon Barnett, the only one of the French refugee colonists who remained here, was born of French parents on the Isle of Martinique, in the West Indies. At the early age of 14 years, during the Revolutionary war, he started for this country in a French privateer, which was captured by a British man-of-war and brought to Philadelphia, where young Barnett made his escape. He afterwards learned the trade of a ship carpenter, and worked at it till he had acquired some property, including a house and lot in Philadelphia, which he exchanged for land in Butternuts, to which town he removed a few years after the close of the war. He married in Philadelphia Margaret SIDELL, who emigrated with her parents from Germany. From Butternuts, in 1792, he accompanied the French refugees to their settlement in this town, locating on a half acre of the Joseph JULIAND farm in Greene village, and after their dispersion removed to a 200 acre tract four miles below the village, on the east side of the river, 100 acres on each of Nos. 8 and 9 of the Treat and Morris tract, the lower half being now occupied by William BAKER, and the upper one having recently been sold to Stephen GALAWAY. Here he resided till within a short time of his death, at an advanced age, in March, 1838, when he removed to the residence of his son, Charles Felix Bo Lyne Barnett, who was born in Butternuts, Nov. 23, 1792, and is the only survivor of a numerous family
Captain Joseph JULIAND joined the French colony just before its entire dispersion as early as 1796, in which year he was chosen an officer in the old town of Bainbridge. He was born in Lyons, France, Jan. 17th, 1749, and in early life received a good Academic education. His subsequent studies were directed with a view to his becoming a medical practitioner and he acquired a good general knowledge of that science, which in after life, as commander of a ship's crew and a pioneer in a new country, proved very serviceable. His tastes, however, led him to abandon the study of medicine and adopt at an early age a maritime life, in which he rose through all the subordinate grades to the rank of commander of a vessel in the mercantile marine of France. In this capacity he made several voyages across the Atlantic, principally between the ports of Nantes and Bordeaux in France and Boston and Philadelphia in this country. His periodical visits to this country afforded him opportunity to travel in the interior, mingle freely with the people, and learn their language, manners and customs. On one of these occasions, while spending some time in the vicinity of New Haven, Connecticut, he made the acquaintance of Hannah LINDSLEY, the daughter of a respectable farmer, whom he married in 1788, and soon after removed to a farm near Greenfield, Massachusetts.
In 1798, having heard of the establishment of the French colony here, on being solicited to do so, he made preparations to join it. After disposing of his property he set out on his journey with his family consisting of his wife and two children. He penetrated this then almost unbroken wilderness "in the expectation of finding a new home and congenial society." Leaving his family in the present town of Coventry he proceeded to prepare for their reception here. On arriving at the settlement he was surprised to find that many had gone and that others were preparing to follow; but nothing daunted he purchased the land, including the town plot, abandoned by his disheartened countrymen and made it his home during the rest of his life. He lived to witness the success of his enterprise and enjoy in some measure the fruits of that prosperity to which he contributed so much. He came here as the agent of John JUKEL, who acquired through his wife, who was a LIVINGSTON, a large portion of the French tract. He died Oct. 13th, 1821; and his wife, who was born in New Haven, Connecticut, Jan. 27th, 1763, April 11th, 1851. He had five sons and one daughter, all of whom lived to be heads of families and resided in the vicinity. Four sons are still living, viz.: Lewis, George and Frederick in Greene, the former, the eldest, on the homestead, and Richard W., in Bainbridge. Joseph, who was born Feb. 23, 1797, died Feb. 13, 1870. His wife, A. M., who was born May 6, 1804, died May 1, 1860. Irene, wife of Richard W., died Feb. 8th, 1818, aged 25. His grandchildren living are Joseph in Bainbridge, and Stephen [sic?], wife of James M. BANKS, in Chicago, children of Richard W.; William L., Joseph B. and Emma C., children of Lewis, on the old homestead in Greene; Charles and Henry, children of George, in Greene; Joseph E., a banker, Cornelia, wife of William RUSSELL, senior partners in the firm of Russell & Juliand, bankers, children of Joseph Juliand, deceased, both in Greene; and John, Sarah and Minnie, wife of E. J. ARNOLD, a lawyer, children of Frederick, all in Greene.
Frederick Juliand, the youngest son of Captain Joseph Juliand, was born in Greene, October 9, 1806, and received an academic education in Oxford and Utica. He was one of the incorporators for locating the Soldiers' Home, and a trustee for the Inebriate Asylum in Binghamton from its inception in 1853 to 1868. He was a Member of Assembly in 1856, serving on the Committee on Banks, and was State Senator from the 23rd District, comprising Chenango, Madison and Cortland counties, in 1864 and '65, when he was chairman of the Committee on Public Printing and a member of the Committee on Banks, Roads and Bridges, and Poor Laws. In the Senate he was instrumental in securing the extension of the Chenango Canal from Binghamton to Athens. In 1876 he was again elected to the Assembly. In the summer of 1864 the town of Greene had occasion to forward funds to an agent at Newberne, N. C., who was there endeavoring to enlist men to fill their quota. Mr. Juliand, much against his will, was induced to undertake the task. He started by the way of Washington and Norfolk, taking the steamer Fawn at the latter place for Roanoke Island, by the way of the Dismal Swamp Canal. When about 150 miles from Norfolk they were attacked by guerrillas and nine of the party of thirty, killed and wounded. Mr. Juliand and the remainder of the survivors were taken prisoners and robbed of all their baggage. The steamer was burned and they were compelled to march all night, a distance of 30 miles, to Elizabeth City, where, after being robbed of $6,000, a portion of the funds he was transporting, he and Major Jenney, of Syacuse, were paroled, through the interference of a friend, the remainder of the party being marched off to a vile southern prison, where it has since been ascertained more than half of them died horrible deaths. He and his companions made their escape from Rebel dominion in a sail-boat, after being without food or shelter for about two entire days.
In 1793, Nathaniel KELLOGG, Cornelius HILL and Daniel TREMAIN settled at Brisbin; KELLOGG was a clergyman and organized there, in 1795, the first Baptist church in Chenango county. He settled on the farm now owned by ---- LIETCH and removed to Steuben county about 1820. He had only one child, a daughter, who married Selah BARNES. HILL settled on the TILLOTSON place and built near there, three miles above Greene village, the first grist-mill on the river within the town. He subsequently removed to Smithville and died there. TREMAIN, father of Daniel, Erastus and Silas Tremain, settled on lot 9 of the Livingston tract, on the east side of the river, about one-fourth mile below Brisbin, on the place now occupied by his grandson, Richard Tremain, where he and his sons died, Daniel, Sr., Dec. 21, 1853, aged 94, Mary, his first wife, April 9, 1819, aged 57, and Sabra, his second wife, June 4, 1842, aged 64. Daniel, his son, died Feb. 24, 1841, aged 51, and Cynthia S., his wife, July 14, 1849, aged 47. Silas died Jan. 26, 1818, aged 30. Mary, wife of Samuel WALKER, of Greene, Richard Tremain, of Brisbin, and Erastus Tremain, of Smithville Flats, are grandchildren of his. Erastus, son of Daniel, succeeded his father on the homestead.
Conrad SHARP, a Dutchman, came in from the eastern part of the State in 1793, and settled on the west side of the river, about three miles below Brisbin, on the farm now owned and occupied by the widow of Seth HOLLENBECK where, in 1794, he opened the first tavern in town. It was a log structure and in 1806 he had the honor of entertaining in it Governor Morgan Lewis, who was then interested in the establishment of brigade military trainings.
SHARP was succeeded there about 1807 by David S. CRANDALL who soon after built a frame house, and about 1838, the stone one now occupied by the widow Hollenbeck. He kept hotel there till his death, Oct. 31, 1857, and was succeeded by his son till within about 26 years. Crandall was born Nov. 9, 1772; his wife, Anna, was born April 30, 1782, and died Oct. 23, 1856. Dr. Ralph B. Crandall, of Greene, is a son of his. Harrison, another son, is living in Pennsylvania. SHARP's children left the town at an early day. Sharp built in 1795 the first saw-mill in the town. It stood near the grist-mill erected the previous year by Abraham STORNS and Henry VORSE.
Amos GRAY and Samuel WHEELER settled in 1794, the former one-half mile below Brisbin, and the latter on the site of the village, on the east side of the river, on the farm now occupied by Eli BARTOO, where he died. Gray, who was blind, was a brother of Elder Jeduthan Gray, who organized at Genegantslet, in 1807, the Second Baptist Church Society of Greene, of which he was for twenty-five years the pastor. The Grays were from Berkshire county, Mass. Amos died where he settled. His children were: Jeduthan, 2d., who, after attaining his majority, about 1807, removed to Greene village, where he kept the hotel on the site of the Chenango House, and removed West about 1810 or 1812; Enoch, who kept at Brisbin, in 1796, the second school house in town, teaching some ten winters in succession,* and lived and died in Greene village; and Amos, who lived on the homestead till well advanced in years, when he removed to Greene village, where he died May 9, 1868, aged 77. Warren and Bethuel were sons of Elder Jeduthn Gray, who settled on a farm between Greene and Genegantslet in 1807, and removed about 1825 to northern Pennsylvania, where he died, in 1830, at an advanced age. Warren possessed a highly intellectual and judicial mind. He enjoyed a large share of personal popularity, and held various town offices, among them that of Magistrate for fifty consecutive years. He died in December, 1868, aged 83. Bethuel died February 4, 1866, aged 79, and Cornelia, his wife, July 7, 1869, aged 75.
* The first school was taught near Chenango Forks in 1794, by an Englishman named Thomas CARTWRIGHT.
Samuel WHEELER was an Englishman. His father served in the British army during the Revolutionary war under Burgoyne, and on the surrender of that General, remained in the country. Samuel's children were: William; Samuel, who died March 26, 1847; aged 57, and Nancy his wife, December 27, 1860, aged 71; Harry; Ephraim, who died July 17, 1873, aged 68; Sally, who married Samuel WILLIAMS, (who died April 16, 1849, aged 63,) and is now living in Chicago; Margaret, who married Edson CORBIN; and Jeanette, who married Silas BETTS.
Abraham STORMS, from Coxsackie, and Henry VORSE, from Cherry Valley, came in as early as 1794, in which year they built, on the TILLOTSON farm, at the mouth of Crandall Creek, which empties into the Chenango about two and one-half miles above Greene village, the first grist-mill in the town. Storms brought in with him from the Hudson River country the stones for the mill, with a yoke of oxen. The mill did not stand many years, as every vestige of it was gone in 1807. The creek upon which it stood is now mostly dried up. Previously the most accessible mill was at Tioga Point.
STORMS settled first in the locality of the mill. He afterwards removed to the farm now occupied by John M. CHAPPELL, on the east side of the river, about two miles above Chenango Forks, where both he and his wife died a good many years ago. None of his children are living. VORSE's children living are: Polly, widow of Jonas UNDERWOOD, in Illinois; Betsey, widow of Zenas Chase, in Michigan; and William, probably in Minnesota. All of his children removed from the town at an early day, except Urania, who married Samuel RACE, and lived in the town till her death, November 6, 1866.
About this year (1794) settlements were made on the west side of the river, a few miles below Brisbin (sic), by Derrick RACE and John HOLLENBECK. RACE, who was born June 24, 1770, came from Egremont, Mass., having previously been here as a surveyor. He settled two miles above Greene, on the farm now owned and occupied by his son Derrick, and known as the Race Farm. He died there June 17, 1857, and Hannah, his wife, who was born July 2, 1770, January 7, 1861. His children, in addition to Derrick, were William B., now living in Oxford, aged 84; Abigail, widow of William RACE, in Greene; Christina, wife of Erastus BROWN; Charles T., and Stephen A., in Chicago; Nicholas, who died April 24, 1873, aged 79, and Annie, his wife, August 23, 1874, aged 78; Lucretia, who married Erastus TREMAIN, who died seven or eight years ago; George T., who died June 2, 1850, aged 49; and Smith, who died July 31, 1877, aged 71. Many of Race's grandchildren are living in Greene and Oxford.
Settlements were made from 1792 to 1795 on the Chenango road, in the south part of the town, by Nathan BENNETT, Joshua ROOT, Eleazur SKINNER, Thomas and Joab ELLIOTT, Roswell FITCH, Aden ELLIOTT, Philo CLEMMONS and Captain MANDEVILLE, who located in the order named from west to east. BENNETT settled on the farm now occupied by his grandson, Oliver Bennett, on Page Brook, and died there. Aden ELLIOTT opened the second tavern in town in 1795.
David PARSONS came from Armenia Dutchess county, in 1794-96, with his family, and settled on the west bank of the river, about a mile above Chenango Forks, where the widow of John OCKERMAN now lives. About 1810 he removed to the place now occupied by the family of his son Alva, in the upper part of the village of Chenango Forks, where he died in 1873. Chauncey Parsons, who was born in the last named locality, Oct. 13, 1810, and now resides in that village, is the only one of his children living. Alva died May 22, 1871, aged 75.
In 1796, Isaac ROSA settled on the east of the river, on the farm now owned by David BAIRD, about two miles above Greene. He subsequently kept a public house, at Genegantslet, where most of the public business of the vicinity was done. He was elected the second Supervisor of the town, in 1799, and was re-elected for five years. He was a man of marked character in the early settlement of the town. He was the first master of the Eastern Light Lodge. He removed to to Waterloo, Seneca county, about 1818, and died there about 1838.
Settlements were made in the south part of the town, west of the river as early as 1796 by Elisha and Noah GILBERT, Stephen PALMER, Joseph and Cornish MESSENGER, and Peter and Jacobus TERWILLIGER. The TERWILLIGERs were Dutchmen, were kinsmen, and came from the Esopus country, though Jacobus is believed to have come immediately from the Mohawk country. Peter settled about a mile north of Chenango Forks, where Cyrenus, son of Hiram Terwilliger, now lives, and Jacobus, two miles north of that village, where Simon S. Terwilliger now lives. Both died died where they settled. Peter was the father of Captain Herman Terwilliger, and Jacobus of James.
Nathan SMITH was born in Massachusetts in 1781, came in from Dutchess county with his mother in 1799, and settled on lot number 77, upon which he was the first settler. Underhill MILLER, from the New England States, settled at Brisbin, and Benjamin ROBBINS, Daniel BROOKS, Peter PERRY, David FITCH and Eseck L. HARTSHORN, at Greene village, previous to 1800. Squire Loren MILLER, of Brisbin, is a son of Underhill. HARTSHORN settled on the east side of the river, on a portion of the lands formerly occupied by the French colonists. He removed from the town with his family after a residence of eight or ten years. With the exception of Miller none of their descendants are living here.
Henry BEALS, who was born December 31, 1790, came in about 1800 with his mother and sister and settled in the village of Greene. He was a carpenter and joiner and built most of the frame houses in that village. He married Ruth, daughter of Samuel MARTIN, of Coventry, who was born August 14, 1801, and died January 1, 1833. He died November 24, 1852, leaving two sons and two daughters, all of whom are living. William, the eldest son, is a prominent man in the town of Barker, of which he has been supervisor for the last twenty years. DeWitt, the other son, moved west about 1840 to '45, and is now a prominent teacher there. His daughters are Susan, who married a Mr. STODDARD, of Coventry, where she is now living; and Clarissa, a maiden lady, who is living with her mother, Beal's second wife, in Greene village.
Edmond HARRINGTON, Joel WINSTON and Jared PAGE, settled on Page Brook, in 1801.
Lyman NOBLE, Daniel BOARDMAN, Herman CARTER, Joseph ANDERSON, Joseph WINCHELL, David WINCHELL, Zachariah and Ezra WHITMARSH and William DRISKALL, settled on the Genegantslet as early as 1801.
CARTER settled first on the western bounds of the town, on the place since known as the BOUGHTON farm; and when the Catskill and Ithaca turnpike was completed he located upon it and kept a public house at Genegantslet Corners. He raised a large family, many of whom are still living. He died Jan. 16, 1846, aged 82; and Mariam, his wife, Jan. 17, 1838, aged 73. David WINCHELL died May 17, 1873, aged 79, and his wife, Philura, Oct. 4, 1853, aged 53. The WHITMARSHes came in from the Hudson River country, from the locality of Coxsackie, and settled a mile above the Corners, on farms adjoining that of Eli WEBB. Both died in the town, Ezra on the homestead, which is now occupied in part by his grandson, Ceber Whitmarsh. Aber Whitmarsh, who is living near Brisbin, is the only survivor of Ezra's children. Zachariah had two sons and four daughters, two of the latter of whom are living, Rheuama, widow of Earlman ROGERS, near Whitney's Point, and Belinda, wife of Peter PERKINS, in Smithville.
As early as 1802, Elisha SMITH, Thomas WATTLES, Hial WATTLES, Jacob HOLT, Platt BRUSH, Sherman BOARDMAN, John BOARDMAN, Stephen KETCHUM, Jr., Daniel KETCHUM, Chandler CUMMINGS, Joseph RUNDALL, Elias FORBES, and Reuben WILDER made settlements on or near the site of Greene village; and Solomon and Benjamin HARRINGTON, Waters HINE, Asel STOCKWELL, Elihu SPENCE, Samuel A. SKEEL, James BURROUGHS, George BYRAM, Benjamin TOWNSEND and Daniel LOW in the south-west part of the town.
Elisha SMITH was the first local agent of the HORNBY estate, receiving his appointment in 1802, and all the sales on the Chenango Triangle from that period to 1812, when he resigned the agency and removed to Norwich, were made by him.* He procured the survey of the village of Greene in 1806, and to him the residents of that village are indebted for its spacious streets. He erected in 1803 the first building in the village on the corner occupied by the Rathbone Block, which he occupied as a dwelling and store. He was for several years Judge of the Common Pleas of Chenango county. He was a man of much enterprise, and his character was venerated by the early settlers. He died in Norwich about 1825. He was the father of Elisha B. Smith, Colonel of the 114th regiment, who was killed at the head of his regiment at Port Hudson in 1863.
Thomas WATTLES was a brother-in-law of Elisha SMITH's. He built, in 1803, the first frame house, for a tavern, on the site of the Chenango House, which stood till the latter was built, having been several times repaired and remodeled. It was first kept for some years by Wattle. Hial Wattles was Thomas' brother. Both removed from the town previous to 1814. Thomas was afterwards engaged in establishing mail routes in various parts of the State.
* Judge SMITH was succeeded in the agency by Robert MONELL, who resigned in 1819, when John D. HENRY served temporarily in that capacity till the appointment of Charles CAMERON in 1821. Mr. Cameron continued to act in that capacity till 1848, when all that remained of the tract, about 5,000 acres was sold to Col. Joseph JULIAND. He removed to this place from Canandaigua at the solicitation of his friend and countryman John GREIG, who was appointed general agent of the tract in 1806, and acted as such until all the lands were disposed of. Mr. Greig acquired a princely fortune by his agencies for foreign landlords. Greene continued to be the place of residence of the local agent. Mr. Cameron continued his residence here till his death, Dec. 26, 1852, aged 79 years. He was a native of Scotland, where he received a respectable academic education, and immigrated to this country at the age of eighteen, with Col. Charles WILLIAMSON, who came as agent of the PULTNEY estate. The party landed in Norfolk, Va., in December, 1791. For many years Mr. Cameron superintended the business operations of Col. Williamson, surveying lands and building mills and roads. He laid out the village of Bath in 1795, and was the first merchant there. He was the local agent at Lyons from 1798 to 1805, and built the first flouring mill there. He sent the first fruits of the Genesee Valley to an eastern market. He was one of the earliest merchants at Canandaigua, when the entire business of the Genesee country was done there. Few men were more extensively and favorably known as pioneers in Western New York.
Joseph HOLT was from the Eastern States and settled and died on the site of Frank V. TURK's residence, in the village of Greene. His wife died before him. He had no children. He had charge of supply trains during the Revolutionary war and was popularly known as Colonel.
Platt BRUSH settled just north of the farm now occupied by Lewis JULIAND, within the corporation of Greene. He removed at an early day to Oxford.
John and Sherman BOARDMAN, brothers, settled near the village of Greene, and about 1812 removed to Genegantslet, where they died. Their children removed from the town at an early day.
Chandler CUMMINGS settled first in the neighborhood of the village. He was then a single man, but afterwards married and removed to the place now occupied by his son, James C., about two miles north of Greene. One other son, Edwin, is living on the homestead farm.
Joseph RUNDALL was a blacksmith in the village and removed from the town at an early day. His wife was a stout, robust, masculine woman, well fitted for pioneer life and was known to cut beech trees two feet in diameter to browse her cattle. Their son, Johnstone Rundall, was the first child born in the town, an honor which was subsequently suitably acknowledged by a gift to the mother of a deed for fifty acres of land from the HORNBY estate.
Elias FORBES took up the farm now owned by Henry MATTESON, about two miles north of the village. After two years he removed to the farm which now forms a part of the one owned by his son Aaron Forbes, and died there.
Captain Samuel A. SKEEL afterwards settled near Birsbin, on the west side of the river. He was a surveyor and afterwards became a Universalist minister. He was a man of fine native endowments, conspicuous mental vigor and strong reasoning powers. He removed to the western part of the State about 1830 and pursued his calling in the ministry until his death in 1856.
Captain Joseph TILLOTSON came in from the Hudson River country about the beginning of the century and settled on the west side of the river, about three miles above Greene, on the farm now occupied by George CHAMBERLAIN, who married his grand-daughter, Augusta TILLOTSON. He was a man of great industry and frugality and acquired a large tract of land, including 1,000 acres in one body. He and his wife died on the homestead. His children were Sabrina, who married William B. RACE and died April 11, 1833, aged 37; Jeremiah, who is still living in Oxford; and Silas, who died April 14, 1872, aged 62.
Garry RICE came in from Connecticut soon after 1800 and settled on Page Brook, in the east part of the town. He is still living on the east side of the river, about two miles below Greene, aged 85 years. Five children are living: Maria, wife of William LAMENT, in Coventry, Phebe, wife of John FLAGG, in Binghamton; and Robert; Amanda M., widow of William PARKER and proprietor of the Chenango House; William; and Lucy, wife of Nehemiah SHERWOOD, a milliner, all in Greene.
David BRADLEY settled in 1803, and William BATES as early as that year. BRADLEY came in from Kent, Litchfield county, Conn., and being in good circumstances, took up considerable land, for which he paid down. He settled half a mile above Genegantslet, the farm being now in the possession of A. B. ROBINSON. August 29, 1803, he deeded to his sons, Zachariah and Smith, the farm, a part of which is now occupied by Philo WEBB. He died on the farm upon which he settled, May 30, 1837, aged 84, and Lydia, his wife, on the farm next above it with her son David, July 30, 1845, aged 83. His children were: Zachariah and Smith, who settled on the farm now owned by Philo WEBB, and the former of whom died March 24, 1863, aged 83; and his wife, Lodema, May 23, 1846, aged 68, and the latter October 15,1816, aged 35; David, who was born in Kent, Conn., October 31, 1784, married Sally, daughter of Stephen KETCHUM, settled on a farm of 120 acres, given to him by his father, and now owned by Daniel BRADLEY, a grandson of the elder David, and died there March 25, 1872; Timothy, a single man, who lived with his parents, and died May 13, 1818, aged 28; Orlow, who lived on the homestead and was for many years a Magistrate; Mercy Fanny, afterwards wife of Dr. Levi FARR, who was born in Kent, Conn., February 14, 1787, and died February 28, 1847; and another daughter, who married a man named BECKWITH, then living in Triangle; all of whom are dead. Daniel D. Bradley, Rachel, wife of Nathaniel MOORE, Mercy, widow of Robert EDWARDS, and Maria, wife of William HARRINGTON, all living in Greene, and Mary, wife of James CROMBY, living in Brooklyn, are grandchildren of the elder David.
William BATES also came from Connecticut. He settled on Crandall Creek, (named from David CRANDALL, an early settler,) about three miles above Greene, where he died about 1810. The farm is now owned by Derrick RACE. He had three sons, Loren, who is a clock-maker in Connecticut, Harris, who is living in Greene, and William, who went west some thirty years ago. His daughters were: Laura, afterwards wife of Hiram BARTOO, father of George Bartoo, a hardware merchant in Greene; and Anna, wife of George T. RACE, (who died June 2, 1850, aged 49.) now living in Greene.
Samuel LADD, the most prominent tanner in this part of the State, and a brother-in-law of Elisha SMITH, came in about 1803, and settled in the north part of Greene village, on the place now occupied by Albert MEAD. His tannery, which was a large one, stood directly opposite his residence. He carried on the tanning business some twelve or fourteen years, when he sold out to Robert WILSON and removed to Sherburne, where he died. None of his family are living there. WILSON came in company with a man named BARDEN, who settled directly north of the residence of Lewis JULIAND. Both were sea captains, and were driven from the ocean by the embargo of 1812. They were high-toned men and bitter politicians. Both removed from the town in the latter part of 1815.
John UPHAM, a poor, but energetic, thorough-going Dutchman, came in from the Hudson river country about 1804, and settled in the village and died there. He had considerable family, most of whom are dead. John, his eldest son, and Thomas, the next eldest, born August 21, 1802, were good thrifty farmers, and lived and died in the town, the former Sept. 5, 1863, aged 65, and the latter, April 10, 1873. Elizabeth B., wife of John, who resided in the vicinity of Genegantslet, died June 26, 1863, aged 74. He had two or three daughters who married and settled in the town.
Samuel PECK came in from the New England States about 1805 and settled in the north part of the town, on the farm now occupied by Mr. CULVER, where he died April 1, 1860, aged 79, and his wife, Betsey, July 6, 1864, aged 80. He was well educated and a worthy man and a prominent member of the Congregational church in Greene. He raised a large and respectable family of whom three sons, Daniel, Philo and Asabel, and one daughter Clarissa, widow of Levi MORSE and mother of E. C. and Edward Morse, merchants in Greene, are living in this town.
Eli WEBB came in from Egremont, Massachusetts, where he was born July 19, 1771, in 1806, and settled on the west side of Genegantslet creek, a mile above the corners of that name, on the farm now occupied by Stephen DAVIS, whose father Dow Davis was an early settler in the same locality and died there, he and his second wife, Cloe, the former June 6, 1871, aged 90, and the latter July 2, 1852, aged 57. Mr. Webb died on the place May 3, 1846, and Polly, his wife, July 27, 1854, aged 72. He had three children, all of whom are living, Sarah, wife of Heman CARTER, in the village of Greene; Ann, (widow of Moses B. ADAMS, who died March 9, 1873, aged 67,) in Smithville Flats, with her daughter, Mrs. Benjamin BROWN; and Philo, (his wife, Mary E., died Oct. 4, 1875, aged 64,) near Genegantslet.
Nathan WEBB, brother of Eli, came in from Massachusetts, about the same time and settled on Brag Pond Brook where Harris MONK now lives. He resided there a good many years and moved to Triangle and died near there. None of his descendants are living in the town. One son, Mason, died here; the rest of the children removed from the town.
Other early settlers were Col. John FORBES, who settled on the Gengantslet as early as 1807, and removed, about 1845, to Batavia, where he now resides, "in the yellow leaf of old age," "enjoying the conscious reflection of a well spent life," Henry BIRDSALL; the TERWILLIGER Bros., Solomon, Barney, Herman and Simon; and Levi FARR, Elisha LADD and Jeduthan GRAY, who also settled on the Genegantslet as early as 1807.
Henry BIRDSALL was from Westchester county, and settled among the first on the east bank of the Chenango, a little below the STORMS farm, on the place now occupied by the family of his grandson, John Birdsall, who died there in the spring of 1879. Henry and his son Henry also died there there, the latter about a year ago. Dorborah, widow of Amos PARSONS, how living on the homestead is believed to be the only one of the children of the elder Henry living.
The TERWILLIGERS were Dutchmen and came in from Amsterdam. Solomon, Barney and Simon settled in the "sap bush," in the south part of the town, Solomon, on the farm now owned and occupied by his grandson Solomon Terwilliger where he and his son Deacon Simon died, the former August 21, 1826, aged 78, and his wife, Gitty, Feb. 29, 1817, aged 60, and the latter October 19, 1876, aged 80, and his wife, Matilda, April 27, 1878, aged 75; Barney on the farm now owned and occupied by Theodore Terwilliger, a grandson of Solomon's where he died; and Simon, on the farm now owned and occupied by his grandson, Simon S. Terwilliger, where he also died. They came in single young men but subsequently married, and leave numerous descendants now living in the town. Harmon B. Terwilliger, son of Barney, now residing in Triangle, is believed to be the only one of their children living.Philo B. PALMER, another early settler, was a native of Pennsylvania and became a resident of this town in 1810. He was a mechanic and enlarged and beautified the public house in the village, of which he was for several years the owner. He was a man of literary attainments, and removed to his native State in 1825.
The BIRDSALL family, though not as early in their settlement as many others, deserve mention from their business and social prominence.
Colonel Benjamin BIRDSALL came to Greene from Hillsdale, Columbia county, in 1816, accompanied by his three sons, Benjamin, George and Maurice, all middle-aged men, with families, who also became residents of the town. James Birdsall, another son, settled at Norwich a few years previous, and was engaged in legal and banking business. He was an active politician and represented the 15th district in Congress from 1815 and 1817, and this county in the Assembly in 1827.
Colonel Birdsall had a colonel's commission in the Revolutionary war and represented Columbia county in the Assembly in 1792, '3, '6 and 1804, and in the State Convention in 1801. He was a man of much enterprise, great force of character, urbane and gentlemanly, and possessed of an unusual share of mental vigor. He died in Greene, Oct. 8, 1828, aged 84 years, and Elizabeth, his wife, September 9, 1836, aged 83.
Benjamin Birdsall, Jr., his eldest son, was a man of much intellectual force, and was a magistrate for many years. He resided for many years a few miles west of Greene village. His children were: Colonel Benjamin, an officer in the war of 1811, and while in command of the military station at Greenbush, in 1818, was shot and killed by one of his soldiers, a crime for which the latter was executed; Samuel, an attorney at Waterloo, Seneca county, who represented the 25th District in Congress from 1837 to 1839, and died in 1972; William, who was a physician in Wayne, Steuben county; Betsey, who married Noah ELY, of New Berlin; Melinda, a maiden lady, who died some years since in Pennsylvania; and George, a farmer in Pennsylvania.
James Birdsall, son of Colonel Benjamin, of Revolutionary fame, settled in Norwich, as before stated. His children were: Henry, an attorney in Addison, Steuben county; Benjamin and Maurice, merchants at Fentonville, Mich.; Adelaide, who married William FENTON, of Norwich, who was subsequently Lieutenant-Governor of Michigan; Sarah, wife of Henry DILLAYE, of Syracuse; and Elizabeth, Rispah and Catherine, who reside in San Francisco.
George Birdsdall, son of Colonel Benjamin, was a physician in Greene. He had two daughters, one who married Mr. PERKINS, a teller in the Bank of Norwich, and subsequently a clergyman now residing in Springfield, Ill.; and Charlotte, wife of Rev. Mr. PAYNE, residing in the same place.
Maurice, son of Colonel Benjamin Birdsall, was a farmer and lived in the village of Greene. He was a man of high social standing, upright and universally esteemed. He died Jan. 7, 1852, aged 77. His first wife was Ann PIXLEY, of Columbia county, who died June 12, 1829, aged 51. He subsequently married Ann PURPLE, of Greene, who still survives him. He had eight children: John, an early lawyer in Greene;* Anna, who married Alvah HUNT, an early merchant and prominent man in Greene, and died February 20, 1878; Polly, who married Hon. Thomas A. JOHNSON, (who was elected Supreme Court Justice for the 7th District June 7, 1847, and held that office till his death, in 1872,) and died in 1865; Benjamin, who was a well-to-do farmer in Wisconsin, and removed in 1871, with his numerous family, to Iowa; Emeline, who married Robert O. REYNOLDS, a very respectable lawyer in Greene; Maurice, Jr., who married Elizabeth JULIAND, of Bainbridge, and after her death, Maria RANDALL, of Norwich, and who has been actively engaged in mercantile and other pursuits in Greene nearly forty years, and who is now extensively engaged in the produce business; Louisa, who married the late Judge Washington BARNES, of Steuben county, and died in 1859; and James, a physician in Wisconsin.
The following, illustrative of the character of and hardships and privations endured by the early settlers of this town, we quote form Dr. Purple's contributions before referred to:- "The pioneer settlers of this town, at least for the first few years, were subjects of great privations. Their roads were little less than Indian paths along the streams. The canoe was the principal mode of conveyance. Their corn was pounded and converted into samp by means of a mortar made in the end of a section of a log with a pestle suspended by a sweep, or taken to Tioga point, a distance of sixty miles, to a mill. These journeys were made in a canoe, and occupied several days.
"The road on the west side of the river was first traveled in 1794. That on the east side was not used until some years later. The road on the Genegantslet was made passable in 1802. Edward LOOMIS, in the employ of the Hornby estate, cut the road from Oxford to Smithville Flats in 1804. [Daniel Loomis, of Oxford, son of Edward, says that this road was cut through in 1800. He received from the Hornby estate as compensation for this labor fifty acres of land in Smithvlle, where he settled.] The road north from Conrad SHARP's was cut through the same year.
"The Susquehanna and Bath Turnpike, which passed east and west through the town, was made in 1807. The first bridge over the Chenango was built the same year.
"They (the first settlers,) mostly came from the New England States, though many of them had settled in the eastern counties of this State. They came poor. Few were able to even make a small payment for their lands. Much want and even suffering was the consequence. But common necessities produced the spirit of genuine hospitality, and in all the relations of life, from the raising of the log-cabin to the supplying the destitute at their tables, they exhibited more the spirit of family affection than of mere neighborhood sympathy.
Their only resources were derived from the manufacture of shingles for the Baltimore markets; or in felling the trees of the forest, cutting and burning them, and from the ashes making black salts for an Eastern market; and until they could have time to clear the land and raise food from the earth, they were very dependent on their more fortunate neighbors. This appeal was responded to with alacrity, 'not grudgingly,' but freely, even to the dividing of the last loaf. In this respect, at least, they exhibited Christian principles that would not unfavorably contrast with their more fortunate and refined descendants."
Merchants:- The first merchant in the village and in the town, was Elisha SMITH, who came in from Norwich as the agent of the Hornby estate in 1802, and in 1803 opened a store in a framed building erected by him that year on the site of the MORSE store, opposite the Chenango House for the double purpose of a store and dwelling. He did business till his return to Norwich in 1812. The building he occupied was burned about 1836-'8. David FINN, the first postmaster did business from 1805 to '17; and Osburn B. SCOVILLE from about 1808 to '15, when he removed to Maryland. William PORTER and ---- TAYLOR did business in company from about 1815 to '20, when they removed from the town. Simeon HUNT came in from Rhode Island, directly after the close of the war, in 1815 and traded till about 1819, when he went South to recuperate his health and died at Natchez of consumption in 1821, aged 36. He occupied the corner on which the BARNARD store now stands.
Charles E. BARNARD came in from Cooperstown in the fall of 1820 and bought an acre of ground and the store which occupied the site of the present postoffice and in which David FINN previously did business. In the spring of 1821 he opened a stock of goods there and the following year formed a partnership with William HATCH, who was elected sheriff of the county in November, 1837, serving one term of three years. This partnership continued till 1837, when it was dissolved. Barnard continued the business and the same year formed a partnership with Frederick MELOY, which continued one year. In 1838, his son, F. E. Barnard, became his partner and the business was conducted under the name of Barnard & Son till 1843, when they dissolved. F. E. continued until 1852, when he admitted his brother, Robert P. Barnard, to partnership, and the business was carried on under the name of F. E. Barnard & Bro., till 1855, when F. E. withdrew, and R. P. admitted his brother, Charles H. Barnard, with whom he continued until the death of the latter March 27, 1864, aged 32 years. R. P. Barnard has since carried on a general merchandise business alone. Charles E. Barnard built the Barnard store on the site now occupied by his son, in 1827. That building was burned in 1843, and the present block, which perpetuates his name, was built by him the same year. He died in July, 1850, aged 60; and his wife, in April, 1873, aged 75.
Asa WHITNEY, William PORTER and Warren GRAY commenced business under the name of Whitney, Porter & Gray about 1822, and continued about a year.
Alvah HUNT and Col. Elijah RATHBONE, the latter of whom came in from Oxford, commenced mercantile business in 1823, and in 1837 associated with themselves William HATCH, under the name of Rathbone, Hunt & Hatch; they built the latter year, the Chenango House on the site of the first public house in the village. In 1844 Messrs. Hatch & Hunt withdrew, and Mr. Rathbone admitted to the partnership Benjamin H THURBER, with whom he did business till his death, June 21, 1849, when Peter B. Rathbone succeeded to his father's interest. They closed out the business about 1852. Mr. HUNT was a younger brother of Simeon Hunt. He represented the sixth district in the State Senate in 1839, '40, '41 and '42, and was elected State Treasurer Nov. 2, 1847; serving two successive terms of two years each. He removed to New York at the expiration of his second term in 1851, and died there October 28, 1858. Anna, his wife, died February 20, 1878. Mr. RATHBONE was a man of great energy, industry and perseverance and was a very prominent man in the town. He was born April 24, 1792, and continued his residence in the village till his death. Mr. HATCH went to Batavia, where he lived in retirement some time and was suffocated there, he and his niece, by breathing charcoal fumes in their room. Peter B. Rathbone was supervisor of the town in 1858, and Sheriff of the county from 1858 to '61. In 1867 he moved to Syracuse, where he now resides, and is the senior partner of the firm of Rathbone & Knapp, proprietors of a planing-mill in that city.
The JULIAND brothers, Joseph, Lewis, Frederick and George, commenced business in 1830 under the name of J. Juliand & Bros., and dissolved in 1840. Frederick continued the business until 1862, when he transferred it to his son, John R. Juliand, who associated with himself as partner Henry MINER. In 1866 they discontinued business here and removed to Binghamton. The Juliand brothers are sons of Captain Joseph Juliand, who is referred to in connection with the early settlement of this town, and all are still living here, except Joseph, who died in 1870. Frederick Juliand was also engaged in the produce commission business, which he still continues. Arad and William W. GILBERT, from the eastern part of the State, commenced business under the name of A. & W. W. Gilbert in 1831, and continued about three years, when Arad removed to Massachusetts and William to the West.
John W. CARTER, dealer in hats and caps, came in from Norwich in 1835, and commenced business July 21st of that year, which he still continues. He was associated with Charles A. WHEELER as partner from 1864 to '70.
Maurice BIRDSALL commenced the mercantile business in company with Willis SHERWOOD in 1839, and continued with him three or four years. He was subsequently associated with various partners till about 1863, when he discontinued the mercantile business and engaged in banking, in company with Lewis S. HAYES, continuing about three years. He then engaged in the produce commission business, which he has since conducted quite extensively.
L. D. LEWIS came in from Sharon, N.Y., in 1834, and carried on the business of harness-maker till the opening of the canal in 1836, when he built the storehouse recently occupied by the late Thomas J. COLE, in which he did a storage and forwarding business till 1854, when, having for the three or four latter years been engaged also in the sale of dry goods he removed to New York City where he now resides. The business was continued here by his son-in-law, C. F. G. CUNNINGHAM, till his death, Oct. 13, 1878, when his wife, E. C. Cunningham, daughter of L. D. LEWIS, succeeded to the business, which she still continues, dealing in fancy and dry goods.
Eugene CUSHMAN came in from Otsego county about 1842 and did business some eight or ten years.
William F. RUSSELL was born in Monticello, Sullivan county, N.Y., and carried on the mercantile business there from 1834 to 1851. He married Oct. 17, 1849, Miss Cornelia Juhel JULIAND, daughter of Col. Joseph Juliand, of Greene, and in April, 1851, removed to this town. He built his present residence in the summer of 1851, and engaged in mercantile business here in September of that year, in the block now used as a bank, continuing till March 1, 1859. The following June he engaged in private banking with his father-in-law, Joseph Juliand, continuing till the death of the latter, Feb. 13 1870, when he became associated in the same business with his brother-in-law, Joseph E. Juliand, with whom he still continues the business under the name of Russell & Juliand.
Dr. Wm. D. PURPLE, dealer in books and stationery, who had formerly practiced medicine in the village for several years, commenced mercantile business in 1853, and still continues it.
Samuel WALKER, dealer in boots and shoes, commenced business in 1853, in company with C. B. WHEELER, whose interest he bought after the expiration of a little over a year. He has since done business alone, with the exception of the years 1874 and '75, when his son-in-law, O. E. MERRELL, was his partner.
Frank TURK, dealer in fruit and confectionary, commenced business in 1854, having been associated at different times as partner with S. A. WILLARD and George W. BAKER, each about two years.
John S. ATWATER, furniture dealer and undertaker, is a native of Homer and removed from German to Greene in 1855. In 1864 he commenced his present business, having been associated as partner from 1867 to '72 with A. P. KELSEY, whose interest he bought in 1872.
James RAMSEY, grocer, came in from Smithville in 1865, and the following year commenced business in company with Charles GRAY, whose interest he bought after about two years. With the exception of one and one-half years he has since done business alone.
G. H. BARTOO commenced the hardward business in 1866, in company with T. D. WELCH, who sold his interest to A. D. MARTIN, April 1, 1878, and the business has since been conducted under the firm name of Bartoo & Martin.
David TERWILLIGER, a native of Greene, commenced the grocery business in April, 1866, in company with C. B. WHEELER, who did business together under the name of C. B. Wheeler & Co. seven months, when Mr. Terwilliger purchased Wheeler's interest. He admitted Chester RACE to partnership in 1869, and bought his interest in April, 1870, at which time William G. RICE became his partner and remained such three years and five months. Mr. Terwilliger has since done business alone.
Lucius T. DARBY and Oramel FORBES commenced the mercantile business in 1866, and continued one year, when Mr. Darby bought Mr. Forbes' interest and took in as partner Chaplin B. PERKINS, with whom he continued three years, when he sold his interest to Mr. Forbes, who, with Perkins, traded some three years.
E. C. MORSE, dealer in dry goods, ready-made clothing, &c., commenced the grocery business in 1866, in company with his uncle, S. M. MORSE, who remained with him one year. His brother, Edgar D. Morse, became his partner in 1868, and his uncle again acquired an interest in 1871. The three did business together till October, 1872, when the brothers bought their uncle's interest and separated, E. C. abandoning the grocery business to his brother, Edgar D., who has since continued it in a separate store, for five years, from 1873, in company with Allen PAGE. E. C. Morse has also carried on the confectionery and tobacconist business in another location since 1872, in which year he bought out S. P. Morse and John W. DAVIDSON.
John W. DAVIDSON, grocer, commenced business in 1872. He came into this town about 1838, from Triangle, from which town he removed to Connecticut, and to the village of Greene about 1854.
J. B. HUNTING, jeweler, came in from Bainbridge, and commenced business in June, 1873.
L. LOMBARD, boot and shoe dealer, who was formerly engaged in farming in Greene, commenced his present business in the fall of '1874, in company with O. Lombard, whose interest he bought April 1, 1878.
Albert H. SHAPLEY, jeweler, came from Hamilton in August, 1874, and in 1875 commenced his present business, which he has since continued.
F. L. PERKINS, general merchant, came in from Whitney's Point, where he was engaged in the same business, in Oct., 1877.
J. S. WOOD, druggist, who was formerly a resident of the village, commenced business in January, 1878.
Johnson & Graves (S. M. JOHNSON and George D. GRAVES,) furniture dealers and undertakers, came in from Bainbridge, their native town, and commenced business in April, 1878.
James A. HARRISON, druggist, who was formerly a resident of the village, commenced business in 1878, at which time he bought out Dr. Marcus M. WOOD, who commenced the drug business here in 1857.
Edward G. KINNEY, hardward merchant, who was formerly a resident of the village, commenced business April 1, 1879.
G. H. BURLINGAME & Co., (L. ARCHAMBEAULT,) dealers in clothing, hats and caps, came in from Binghamton and commenced business in April, 1879.
Other merchants who have done business here, are: Calhoun & Conklyn, Benjamin PERKINS, B. B. REED, Glover & Perkins, in 1842; A. D. ADAMS, C. & A. SQUIRES, Bingham & Maynard, BIRDSALL, Nichols & Lyon and Israel BALDWIN, who are believed to have succeeded each other about in the order named.
Postmaster:- The postoffice at Greene was established in 1807. The route on which it formed a station extended from Cooperstown, via Oxford, to Chenango Point (now Binghamton.) The first mail carrier was Charles THORP. ..... The successive postmasters from 1807 to 1870 are as follows: David FINN from 1807-'10; Charles JOSSLYN, 1810-'24; E. B. SMITH, 1824-'33; William M. PATTERSON, 1833-'34; Erastus PERKINS, 1834-'36; Charles SQUIRES, 1836-'41; Frederick JULIAHD, 1841-'45; Charles SQUIRES, 1945-'49; Chester BINGHAM, 1849-'53; William D. PURPLE, 1853-'61; Lucius T. DARBY, 1861-'66; Peter B. RATHBONE, 1866-'69; and Chales B. WHEELER, the present incumbent, who was appointed April 14, 1869.
Physicians:- Dr. GUTHRIE was the first physician in the town. He settled on the river a mile or so below the village, but remained only a short time. Dr. FINCH settled by Conrad SHARP's. He, too, remained but a short time.
Dr. Charles JOSSLYN was the first physician in the village. He came here from Butternuts, Otsego county, in 1805, and located first at Conrad SHARP's. The following year he removed to the village, where for twenty-one years he devoted himself to his professional duties with approbation and success. He was a man of mark among the settlers, and was honored with various responsible public trusts. He was postmaster at Greene for fourteen years, Justice for seventeen years, and County Judge for a like period. He removed from the town about 1826, and died in Windsor, visiting one of his children there, in 1850.
Levi FARR, M.D., was born in Pittsfield, Mass., July 8, 1787, and removed to this town from Montgomery county in 1807. He settled first at Genegantslet, where he married Mercy Fanny, daughter of David BRADLEY, an early settler in that locality. He entered at once upon the active duties of his profession, and pursued them with untiring zeal and devotion to the interests of his patrons, who were widely scattered over a large section of sparsely settled country, mingling with his professional services kindly counsel and advice, which were as eagerly sought and for which he was not less highly respected. He "filled a large space in the public mind, and is gratefully remembered by his contemporaries." He removed to this village in 1825, and died here July 22, 1859. From his youth he was troubled with imperfect vision, and about 1840 became entirely blind. He accumulated a very handsome property, and gave by his will $4,000 as a permanent fund for the benefit of the common school in this village. He enjoyed in a large degree the confidence of his fellow-townsmen, who often elected him to positions of trust and responsibility. He was a Magistrate in the town for a number of years.
George BIRDSALL came in from Columbia county in 1816, and practiced more or less until his death. S. K. BRADLEY, son of David Bradley, practiced here from 1831 to about 1836. He removed to Ohio, and died there a few years later.
Augustus WILLARD, M.D., was born in 1800, and was the eldest son of Samuel Willard, M.D., of Stafford, Connecticut, who was graduated at Harvard college in 1787. He received a good common school and academic education and entered upon the study of medicine with Dr. THOMAS of Cooperstown. In 1821 he entered the office of Dr. Charles JOSLYN, of Greene, and there, and at Harvard Medical college, where he was graduated in 1823, completed his preparatory medical studies. He was graduated with a class of about forty and received the prize for the best Medical thesis. In 1824, at the written solicitation of a number of its citizens, he located in the village of Greene, where his strong intellectual powers, studious habits, critical research, and undivided application to professional duties soon gave him prominence among his contemporary practitioners. His long and exemplary professional career fully merited the generous confidence reposed in him by the entire community as an honest, upright and skillful physician. In his professional associations the County, State and National associations felt the influence of his talents and his ardent devotion to their interests. He was elected President of the State Medical Society, at the semi-centennial anniversary of that organization in Feb., 1857, and in 1858, he delivered the annual address before that Society, in the Assembly Chamber. Dr. Willard was a conspicuous and devoted member of the Masonic fraternity and was rewarded with its highest honors. His obsequies were numerously attended and conducted by members of that fraternity, the services being rendered by M. W. G. M., Clinton F. PAIGE of Binghamton. He died March 12th, 1868, aged 68, and Catharine S., his wife, April 3, 1845, aged 38.
C. Cameron Willard, M.D., son of Augustus Willard, M.D., was born Nov. 4th, 1828, and studied medicine with his father. He was graduated at New York, and practiced here about three years preceding his death which occurred Sept. 24th, 1786.
Charles S. WOOD came in from Connecticut in 1851, and practiced here until about 1862, when he entered the army as surgeon. After leaving the army he went to California and subsequently to New York, where he is now in the full tide of successful practice.
George W. ROBERTS came in from Troy in 1840, and after spending two or three years on a farm, moved into the village and commenced the practice of medicine, which he continued till his death Feb. 10, 1870. He was the pioneer homeopathist in Chenango county.
The present physicians are: William D. PURPLE, Marcus M. WOOD, Ralph B. CRANDALL, Leonard M. JOHNSON, Charles G. ROBERTS, and Geo. O. WILLIAMS.
William D. PURPLE, M.D., was born in Burlington, Otsego county, April 6, 1802. His father was Edward Purple, an early settler in the town of Smithville. Dr. Purple commenced the study of medicine with Dr. Charles JOSSLYN of Greene, in 1820, and remained with him four years. He afterwards continued his studies with Arthur PACKER and Austin ROUSE of Oxford. He was licensed to practice in 1824, and entered upon the duties of his profession in Bainbridge, where he remained six years, when he removed to Greene. He practiced here till 1853, when he abandoned the medical profession and engaged in mercantile business, which he still continues. Dr. Purple possesses a remarkably retentive memory, and his mind is a rich store-house of facts and incidents connected with the early settlements in this locality, with which he is probably more conversant than any other individual in the southern part of the county. His efforts to rescue from oblivion the intensely interesting facts which enter into the early chapters of the county's history, and which are rapidly passing out of the reach of the present generation, are worthy of the highest commendation and of more general emulation. He has been a liberal contributor to the periodical medical literature of the country, and in 1849, on the recommendation of the State Medical Society, received from the Regents of the University of this State, the Honorary Degree of M.D.
Marcus M. WOOD, brother of Dr. Charles S. Wood, was born in Litchfield, Conn., August 1, 1833. He entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York in 1825, remaining that and the following year. He then entered the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, from which he was graduated in 1857. He commenced the practice of medicine in Greene April 1, 1857, and still continues it. He opened a drug store in the village in 1857, which he conducted till May 1, 1878, when he sold to James A. HARRISON.
Ralph B. CRANDALL was born in Greene, December 27, 1819. He was graduated from the Pennsylvania Medical College of Philadelphia, which he entered in 1854, Feb. 21, 1856. He commenced practice at Montrose, Pa., in 1854, having previously studied medicine, the latter part of the time with Dr. Rufus R. Thayer of that village. He removed thence to Greene in the spring of 1858, and has since practiced here.
Leonard M. JOHNSON was born in Le Raysville, Pa., Jan. 24, 1830, and was educated at Franklin Seminary, Delaware county, and at Hamilton College. He entered the Albany Medical Institute in 1853 and was graduated in 1855. He commenced practice in Berkshire, Tioga county, in 1856, and in 1858 removed to Nebraska. In 1861 he entered the army as assistant surgeon in the 3d N. Y. Infantry and was promoted to the surgeoncy of that regiment in 1863. He left the army in 1865 and settled at Greene, where he has since practiced his profession.
Charles D. ROBERTS was born in Troy, N.Y., May 29, 1835, and commenced the study of medicine with his father, Dr. George W. Roberts, at Greene, in 1854. He commenced the practice of his profession here in April, 1870.
George O. WILLIAMS was born in Norwich, Conn., April 14, 1843, and commenced the study of medicine with his father, Dr. R. O. Williams, at Upper Lisle. He subsequently pursued his medical studies with Dr. S. H. FRENCH at Lisle. He entered the Albany Medical College in September, 1865, and was graduated in December, 1866. He commenced the practice of medicine in the Spring of 1867, at Smithville Flats, where he remained six years, when, in the spring of 1873, he removed to the village of Greene, where he has since practiced.
Lawyers:- The first lawyer in the village of Greene was probably Hon. Robert MONELL, a native of Columbia county who removed to Binghamton in 1808, and opened a law office. John A. COLLIER was his contemporary practitioner there, and as there was not sufficient business to sustain both they cast lots to determine which one should leave. It fell to Monell's lot "to fold his tent." He selected this village as the scene of his future operations, and moved here in 1811. Thus Binghamton lost and Greene gained a most worthy citizen. In 1812 he succeeded Elisha SMITH as agent of the Hornby estate, and discharged the duties of that office in connection with his legal practice till 1819, when he resigned them into other hands. His duties as land agent brought him into intimate relationship, and formed for him a favorable acquaintance with the residents of this section of country, and prepared the way for his subsequent public usefulness. He as elected to the Assembly from this county in 1813, and again in 1814, being the first of his townsmen thus honored. "In that body, in the dark hours of 1814, he faithfully performed his duty by sustaining the efforts of Gov. Tompkins, in upholding the arms of the national administration in its conflict with Great Britain." In 1818 he was elected to the 16th Congress from the 15th District, then composed of Broome, Chenango, and Otsego counties, and such was his popularity at that time, that, notwithstanding a strong party organization against him, he received but one opposing vote in his own town. In 1825, '6, '8, he again represented this county in the State Legislature; and in 1829, '31, the 21st District, then composed of Broome and Chenango counties, in the 21st Congress. He was District-Attorney of Chenango county in 1827. February 11, 1831, he was appointed Circuit Judge of the 6th Circuit, which office he held till 1845, when he was appointed Clerk of the Supreme Court, and removed to Geneva, which was one of the four places in the State where the Supreme Court Clerk's office was located. He remained there in that office till the County Clerks were constituted Ex-Offico clerks of the Supreme Court, under the Constitution of 1846, when he returned to Greene and resumed the practice of his profession, which he continued until his death in December, 1860, aged 74 years.
Hon. John BIRDSALL became a resident of the village in 1816. He had received a liberal education at some of the eastern colleges, and entered the office of Judge MONELL as student. He was admitted to the bar before attaining his majority and became the law partner of his preceptor. "He signalized himself as a man of marked character, and held a conspicuous place at the Bar." In 1823, he removed to Mayville, Chautauqua county, where his shining abilities soon attracted attention and led to his appointment, April 18, 1826, as Circuit Judge of the 8th Circuit. He was then only 25 years old. He fixed his residence at Rochester during his judgeship, which he resigned in 1829 and returned to Mayville. In 1831 he represented Chautauqua county in the Assembly, and in 1832, '3 and '4, he represented the 8th District in the State Senate. In 1837 he removed to Texas and formed a law partnership with General Samuel Houston, the President of the Republic of Texas, and was Attorney-General of the "Lone Star" State till his death in 1839.
John J. TAYLOR read law in the office of Judge MONELL and practiced here a year or two, about 1834 or '5, when he removed to Owego, where he now resides.
Nathan CHAMBERLIN, a brother-in-law of Judge MONELL, was for some time in partnership with him here. He was appointed surrogate of this county July 8, 1819, and county clerk June 7, 1820, in which year he removed to Norwich, where he was postmaster for some years, and died about 1828.
Adam G. RANSOM practiced law here several years, till about 1835, when he sold to Robert O. REYNOLDS, who studied with him, and removed to Binghamton. Reynolds practiced here till the fall of 1844, when he sold to Lester CHASE and removed to Norwich, and subsequently to Cortland, where he died in 1856. He was appointed District Attorney of Chenango county till the office was abolished in 1846.
Robert B. MONELL came from Hudson, N.Y., about 1830 and read law in the office of his uncle, Judge Robert Monell. After being admitted he practiced here till about 1846 or '7. He was clerk in chancery till the office was abolished in 1846. He returned to Hudson, where he still resides, and practiced with his father, Joseph D. Monell, till the latter's death. He is a brother of the late Claudius L. Monell, First Judge of the Superior Court, who died a few years ago.
Judge Thomas A. JOHNSON came in from Colesville, Broome county, about 1830, and read law with Judge Monell. He practiced here a year or two and removed to Corning, Steuben county, where he pursued a very successful practice until elected Justice of the Supreme Court for the 7th District, first, June 7, 1847, again Nov. 6, 1849, and again November 1857, holding the office at his death in 1972. He was a very eminent judge.
William M. PATTERSON, a native of Oxford, was practicing here a few years previous to 1836, and continued till 1840, when he removed to Binghamton; after a few years he removed to Wisconsin and died there. Erastus FOOTE came from the north part of the county about 1836 and read law with William M. Patterson. He was admitted in 1838 and practiced here till April, 1851, when he removed to Wisconsin, and after a few years to Milwaukee, where he died two or three years ago. Alonzo JOHNSON came from New Berlin in the spring of 1840 and practiced till about 1866 or '7, when he removed to Washington, D.C., to fill a clerkship in one of the departments, and died there a few years ago. Selah SQUIRES, a native of Binghamton, read law with Judge MONELL and was admitted about 1848. About 1858 he removed to New York, and afterwards accepted a clerkship appointment in Washington, where he died. Frank CUNNINGHAM came in about 1850 and read law with Lester Chase. He was admitted in 1852 and practiced till 1853, in company with his preceptor. He then practiced a year or two in company with Judge MONELL. He went west. Ransom McDONALD came in from Schoharie county about 1856, and practiced till his death six or seven years ago. He was appointed Special Judge of Chenango county April 4, 1864, vice Alfred NICHOLS, deceased, and held the office for the balance of the term. Robert L. BROUGHAM came from the northern part of the State in 1870 and practiced one and one-half years, till 1871, when he removed to Glens Falls, N.Y., and died in Livingston county, while residing in the former place. H. W. FROST came from Windsor, Broome county, about 1870 and practiced till Sept., 1874, when he removed to Wisconsin. William IRVING came from Whitney's Point in 1847 and read law with Erastus Foote. He was admitted about 1848 and practiced till 1849, when he enlisted as a Colonel, was taken prisoner, confined in Libby Prison, and subsequently exchanged. He is now practicing his profession in San Francisco.
The present lawyers in Greene are: Lester CHASE, Edgar J. ARNOLD, Marshal F. PORTER and Lester Elways CHASE.
Lester CHASE was born in Triangle, N.Y., May 2, 1815. He commenced the study of law with Robert O. REYNOLDS in Greene, in 1836, and was admitted in October, 1840, since which time he has practiced his profession here. Since May, 1878, he has been practicing in company with his son, Lester Elwyn Chase, under the name of L. & L. W. Chase. He has been Justice six years, and Notary Public since January, 1869. He was Master in Chancery from 1843 to '46. Lester Elwyn Chase was born in Greene June 2, 1852, and commenced the study of law with his father in October, 1971. He was admitted to practice in May, 1878, in March of which year he was appointed Notary Public.
Edgar J. ARNOLD was born in New Berlin, Chenango county, May 27, 1850. He was educated in the study of law in his native town with Messrs. JENKS & MATTERSON, the former of whom is now Judge of Chenango county. He completed his legal studies with James E. Dewey, of Fort Plain, and was admitted to practice in June, 1871, commencing in Greene, where he has since continued. He was Clerk of the village five years, from 1873 to '78.
Marshal F. PORTER was born in New Lisbon, April 30, 1849. He commenced his legal studies with Messrs. JENKS & MATTERSON, and completed them with E. J. ARNOLD, of Greene. He was admitted September 10, 1874, and commenced that year, and has since practiced in Greene.
The first permanent settlement on the site of the village was made in 1791 by John Barker, from Branford, Conn. He came by the Susquehanna to Binghamton, and then up the Chenango, with his family, and settled on the east bank of the Tioughnioga, on the place now owned by Simeon ROGERS, and the heirs of John Rogers, his brother. He took up some 60 or 70 acres of land, which extended to near the mouth of the Chenango, and purchased the improvements of Thomas GALLOP, who came in 1787, and whom he found living a hermitage-lilke life, just west of the Tioughnioga, in the town of Chenango, near the site of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and with his family took up his residence in the Treaty House. He continued his residence here till his death, Nov. 29, 1836, aged 94 years. Mary, his first wife, died August 25, 1800, aged 56; his second wife, also named Mary, July 18, 1824, aged 73. None of his children are living. The town of Barker, in Broome county, is named in honor of him. Samuel Barker, a brother of John's, came in from Connecticut, shortly before him, and settled just out of the village, in the town of Greene, where he lived a good many years, and died there. He kept for several years the gate of the bridge built across the Tioughnioga, about the close of the war of 1812. Beverly Barker was a son of his. CHENANGO FORKS
Simeon ROGERS, a young, unmarried man, came in soon after from Branford, Conn., and settled on 100 acres, adjoining John BARKER's place to the north. In 1792, he married Mary, daughter of John BARKER. This was the first marriage contracted in the town of Barker, in which these settlements were made; and Chauncey Barker, their son, who was born in September, 1793, and died June 29, 1844, was the first white child born in what was afterwards the old town of Lisle. Simeon Rogers kept the first inn in Barker, where he also kept the first store and built the first mill. He died here March 26, 1856, aged 93, and Mary, his wife, Feb. 5, 1859, aged 85. Two children only are living. George, on the homestead, and John B., also in Chenango Forks. The latter was born May 6, 1796, and is probably the oldest settler in this locality.
In 1792, John ALLEN, Asa BEACH and Solomon ROSE, also from Connecticut, joined them in the settlement. All located on the east bank of the Tioughnioga. A family named STEAD settled among the first near the west end of the iron bridge, and kept the first ferry across the Tioughnioga, in which river Stead and one of his sons were drowned. None of his children are living here.
Deacon Joseph WILLARD was born Oct. 5, 1876, and came in from Lenox, Mass., about the beginning of the century and settled near the east end of the iron bridge. He as a young single man and a hatter by trade, which business he followed here a great many years, until within a few years of his death, Nov. 17, 1869, aged 83. Sept. 6, 1810, he married Eliza, daughter of Robert FAULKNER, an early settler in the locality of Binghamton, she died August 7 ,1829, aged 34. He was one of the original members of the Congregational church of Chenango Forks, in 1821, and an active deacon of it from that time till his death. Four children are living, Simon, in Marathon, Joseph, in Greene Robert, in Barker, and Harriet E., wife of Daniel LOWELL, a merchant in Chenango Forks.
Merchants:- The first merchant in Chenango Forks was Simeon ROGERS, who opened a small store in his log house about the beginning of the present century for the accommodation of his neighbors. He brought his goods in from Catskill, the journey occupying two weeks. Robert O. EDWARDS, from Mass., opened the first store of any considerable importance about 1817 or '18, in a building erected for the purpose opposite to where Dr. Lodowick HANES now lives. It stood in the road and was afterwards torn down. He continued business a great many years, till within a few years of his death, December 11, 1861, aged 76. He was a prominent man in this locality and raised a large family of children, none of whom are now living here. A son and daughter, Charles and Susan, are living in Albany. Caroline his wife died April 7, 1828, aged 39. He was succeeded in the mercantile business by his son Edward, who continued but a short time.
Dr. D. CUSHMAN opened a store about 1828 and kept it five or six years. He was a drover and the store business was conducted by John WILLARD, who succeeded him, and continued it till his death, Nov. 9, 1847, aged 41. John B. ROGERS opened a store in 1829 and kept it about forty years, during a large portion of which time he was engaged in buying and selling butter.
There were no other merchants here of any considerable prominence, except those now doing business, and those interested with them.
Daniel LOWELL, general merchant, commenced business in 1834. He was in partnership with John H. THOMAS in 1853, and with Charles O. ROOT, of Binghamton, from 1854 to '60.
Maurice HAGAMAN, general merchant, commenced business about 1836, in company with John B. ROGERS, with whom he continued about six years. He was subsequently associated some six years with his brother James. In 1863 his son John became his partner and continued such till his death, Dec. 26 1878, aged 38.
Hiram KING commenced business about 1844, in company with Townsend BAGLEY, and closed out after about two years. Bagley went to California. After an interval of a few years spent in boating, about 1855, he resumed the general mercantile business and has since continued it, from about 1867, in company with his son, George R., under the name of Hiram King & Son.
George HOADLEY, general merchant, a native of the town of Barker, commenced business in 1864. He was associated with his brother W. H., from 1864 to 1867.
Joseph P. JOHNSON, grocer, from New York, commenced business in 1867.
John W. KINYON, dealer in hardware and crockery, commenced business in t he fall of 1868. He formerly lived in Broome and Chenango counties, in the former of which he was born.
Thomas R. LAKEY, general merchant, came in from Westchester county N.Y., May 1, 1857, and commenced mercantile business in 1868.
S. H. HARRINGTON commenced the drug business in the fall of 1870, in company with H. C. HALL, with whom he continued one year. In the spring of 1879 Weller ROOS became his partner and the business has since been conducted under the name of S. H. Harrington & Co.
Rufus B. BENNETT, grocer and hardware dealer, came in from North Fenton and commenced business in 1875, in company with Alexander FERRIS, whose interest he bought after the expiration of two years.
Charles N. HOLLISTER, a native of Chenango Forks, commenced the grocery business in 1876,
John Barker HOGAN, hardware dealer, commenced business in 1877.Postmasters:- Simeon ROGERS, the first postmaster, was appointed as early as 1802, probably as early, as is believed, as 1799, and kept the office till about 1826, when his son, John B., was appointed and kept it 29 years, till about 1855. He was succeeded by Dr. William B. SQUIRES, who held it till his death, Jan. 20, 1858, when Dr. Royal R. CARR was appointed and held it about two years. Theodore S. ROGERS, son of John B. Rogers, was next appointed and held the office two or three years, when Henry Augustus Rogers, his brother, was appointed and held it till his death, July 3, 1876, aged 55. His widow, Harriet A. Rogers, succeeded him and still holds the office.
Physicians:- Royal R. CARR, who died recently in Binghamton, William B. SQUIRES, from Chenango county, and Reuben WINSTON, from Westerloo, Albany county, were practicing medicine here in 1846; but how early they commenced and who preceded them, if any one did, we have not been able to definitely determine. CARR continued practice till about 1870, when he removed to Binghamton, where he practiced till his death. Squires did not practice much after 1846, owing to ill health. He removed to a farm and remained on it, in the effort to reclaim his health, till his death, Jan. 20, 1858, aged 34. WINSTON was practicing in company with Dr. Squires and left for Wisconsin in 1846. William DORR came in from Vermont in 1848, and practiced till 1856, when he removed to Binghamton.
The first resident physician was probably Sidney A. SHELDON from Otsego county, a young, single man, who came about 1826, and soon after married Mary Ann, daughter of Robert O. EDWARDS, one of the early settlers in this locality, and a prominent merchant lumberman at Chenango Forks. He practiced here five or six years, when he removed to Mississippi, where he died. His wife is now living in Kingston, Canada. A Dr. PEETS practiced here two or three years previous to 1846; and a Dr. CHURCHILL a corresponding time, about 1837 or '38.
The present physicians are Lodowick HANES, Salphronius H. HARRINGTON, Zina A. SPENDLEY and Clark W. GREENE.
Lodowick HANES was born in Westerloo, Albany county, March 5, 1809, and studied medicine with Dr. Zina W. LAY, of Westerville, in that town. He was licensed to practice in 1842, and commenced in the town of New Scotland, in his native county, whence he removed to Chenango Forks in 1846. Though not now in active practice, he is occasionally called upon to assist in difficult cases and in surgical operations.
Salphronius H. HARRINGTON was born in Greene, Chenango county, March 2, 1829, and studied medicine at Lisle, with Dr. S. H. French. He was graduated at Union College in 1853, and attended the Albany Medical College in 1854 and '5, graduating there the latter year. He commenced practice at Lisle, in company with Dr. French in 1855, and removed thence in June, 1856, to Chenango Forks, where he has since practiced.
Zina A. SPENDLEY was born in Binghamton, Oct. 19, 1842, and studied medicine there with Dr. George A. Thayer. He subsequently attend the Eclectic Medical College of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, from which he was graduated June 25, 1869. He commenced practice at Mott's Corners, in Tompkins county, where he removed in 1866, and in 1868 located in Chenango Forks, where he has since practiced.
Clark W. GREENE was born in the town of Willett, Cortland county, Oct. 30, 1848, and was graduated from the Normal School at Albany in 1870, in which year he entered the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, where he was graduated March 1, 1873. He commenced the practice of his profession the following April in Chenango Forks, where he now resides.Lawyers:- The first and only lawyer at Chenango Forks was Arthur J. FORD, who located here in 1877, and remained about a year.
* named from John BRISBIN, formerly a Director, now Vice-President of the D., L. and W. R. R. The viillage was originally known as East Greene, by wihch name it is still very generally known. The name was changed in 1871, after the completion of the U., C. & S. V. R. R., to conform to the name of the station on that road, which had been previouly named. BRISBIN*
Merchants:- The first merchant at Brisbin was Benjamin HORTON, a native of Coventry, who commenced business in 1842, and continued about ten years, when he sold it to John R. WHEELER and William TREMAIN, who, after one year, in the spring of 1852, sold to Charles P. and Albert JEWELL, who continued four or five years and dissolved. Charles continued alone and assigned, in 1858 or '9, having been associated one year with Alfred H. RACE. Charles HORTON and William Tremain succeeded him in 1859, and did business about two years, when Horton bought Termain's interest and discontinued after about a year. This last firm built the store now occupied by Edward L. WEBB. Cyrus TUTTLE, of Oxford, opened a branch store between 1850 and '60 and kept it some two years. Derrick H. WELLS next did business about a year. He was followed by Amos HINMAN, in 1870-'1. Charles SCHOUTEN succeeded Hinman, taking his goods, and continued one year, when Hinman resumed business which he continued about a year. Joseph GIBSON took Hinman's goods in the fall of 1875, and did business about one and one-half years. Then Hinman again did business about a year and removed to Binghamton. Henry F. BALCOM, from Oxford, next did business about one and one-half years, from the fall of 1876.
The present merchants are Samuel LEE, who came from Smyrna in the fall of 1875; and Edward L. WEBB who came in from Utica in April, 1879.
Benjamin HORTON's store stood opposite the residence of Sherman A. McCULLOR. It was removed in 1867, and is now occupied as a residence by Hiram TUCKER, the station agent of Brisbin.
Chauncey HILL and Eli HAYNES, Jr., did mercantile business about two years. They opened their store shortly before the building of the canal was begun. It was the first one in that locality, which then out-ranked Brisbin in commercial importance, but has long since lost that prestige and relapsed into rural sobriety. Drs. R. B. and Addison CRANDALL, brothers, next did business there about two years. They bought Hill & Haynes' goods and removed their stock when they discontinued. David BAIRD subsequently did business there about two or three years. There has been no other store there of any consequence. Others did business there for short periods.Postmasters:- The old post-office in this locality was established about one and three-fourths miles below the present village of Brisbin, about 1838, and Lorin MILLER was the first postmaster. He secured the establishment of the office there, where he was then keeping a hotel, in which the office was kept by him four years. He was succeeded by Uri KING, who kept it two or three years. John STOUGHTON was postmaster in the lower village in 1843, about which year the office was removed to the upper village, now Brisbin. David SMITH, who kept the office in the hotel, was probably the first postmaster there. He held it as late as the spring of 1851. He was succeeded by George RACE, who removed the office to the lower village and kept it about a year, when Albert JEWELL was appointed and moved the office back to the upper village, both being designated East Greene. Charles Jewell was appointed in 1853, and held the office till 1861, when Charles F. HORTON was appointed and held it till Feb., 1865. Charles M. SCHOUTEN was then appointed and held it as late as 1869. He was succeeded by W. W. TORREY, who held it till April 14, 1873, when Lorin MILLER, the present incumbent, was appointed.
Physicians:- The first physician at Brisbin was probably William CLARK, who practiced three or four years from the time the canal was opened, in 1836, and removed to Ohio. James PURPLE located at the lower village about 1843, and practiced some two years, when he moved west. James B FLETCHER came in about a year after Purple left and staid (sic) only a few months. M. L. VOSBURCH came here from Rochester about 1850, and staid (sic) about two years, when he moved west. John TREMAIN, a native of the place, studied with Dr. Vosburgh and commenced practice in the summer of 1852. He remained about two years and removed to Smithville Flats. He is now in Dakota. There was no other resident physician until Vincent BURGESS came in. Dr. Burgess was born in Wolverton, England, March 9, 1851, and came to this country with his parents in 1856. He commenced the study of medicine in Kirkwood, Broome county, with Dr. George E. Pierson. In 1874 he entered the Louisville Medical College, of Kentucky, for which he was graduated in 1876. He commenced practice that year at Upper Lisle, and in 1877 removed to Brisbin, where he has since practiced.
Merchants:- The first merchant at Genegantslet of whom we have any authentic information, was a man named WOLFORD, who was doing business soon after the close of the war of 1812, in a building which stood on the south-west corner, and was torn down some 25 or 30 years ago. He continued business here but a few years. Elisha SADD, one of the first settlers in the town, was an early merchant at Genegantslet. He died in Greene in 1827, aged 73. Sherlock WILLARD opened a store about the time, or shortly before, Wolford left, and kept it several years. He also kept a distillery. Willard closed business about 1825, and Greene having then began to assume prominence as a commercial center, no other mercantile business of any consequence was afterwards transacted here. GENEGANTSLET
Postmasters:- The first postmaster was probably Dr. Levi FARR. He held the office several years, till his removal to the village of Greene in 1825. He was probably succeeded by Elisha SADD, who died in 1827, and he by Moses B. ADAMS, who held the office four or five years. It then passed into the hands of Alvin GRAY, who held it till its discontinuance, about 1863.
Physicians:- The first physician at Genegantslet was Levi FARR, who practiced here from 1807 till 1825, when he removed to Greene, where he practiced till within ten or fifteen years of his death in 1859, seven years after becoming blind. Daniel CLARK came in from Delaware county about the time of Dr. Farr's removal and practiced here several years, when he removed to Smithville. He was the last physician at Genegantslet.
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