History of Coventry

    The first settlement in the town of Coventry was made in 1785 by Simon JONES, who came from Coventry, Connecticut, and located on the old Chenango road, near the center of the town, on 100 acres, which are now occupied by Timothy D. PARKER, and died there childless Jan. 12, 1817, aged 67.
    Benjamin JONES, cousin of Simon Jones, came in from the same place in 1788, and settled on the same road, one and one-half miles south-east of Coventry village, where Thomas TIFFT now lives. He took up 250 acres of land, and kept there that year the first inn in the town, in a frame building which is still in use as a wagon house. He kept tavern but a few years, being principally engaged in farming. He was for some years the agent for the sale of lands in this locality. He removed about 1833 with a portion of his family to Wellsville, where two of his children now reside, Zenas H., a lawyer, and Clarissa, wife of William GIFFORD. Two sons remained here, Benjamin John Lewis and Luman P., the latter of whom still lives here, having carried on the boot and shoe business in Coventry some thirty-five years. The former settled about two miles east of Coventry, where Edgar PEARSALL now lives. He subsequently removed to Susquehanna, where he died June 22, 1858, aged 52. Sylvia M., his wife, died Feb. 16, 1875, aged 63.

    Benjamin Jones joined the Revolutionary army at the age of eighteen years, and served till the close of the war. During his residence here, in 1806, he represented this county in the Assembly, and during his legislative term he was instrumental in securing the formation of the town, of which he was one of the first officers, and in giving it the name of his native place in Connecticut. He was the first member of the legislature from this town,* and was one of the first assessors of the town of Bainbridge in 1791. The first post-office of the town was kept in his house and was removed to Coventryville on the establishment of the tavern there.

   * Five members of the State Legislature from this town are still living, four of them in the town, Rufus CHANDLER and William KALES, who were in the Assembly in 1858, and Romeo WARREN and Charles PEARSALL, who were in the same body, the former in 1866 and the latter in 1869. William CHURCH, now living in South Orange, N. J., was in the Assembly in 1840.

    Burrage MILES came from New Haven, Conn., about 1789, and took up 200 acres, comprising the whole of the site of Coventryville, where he settled. Having kept a hotel in New Haven, Conn., his native place, he erected a frame house in which he kept tavern. In 1811 he built the present hotel in Coventryville, which he kept till his death, Sept. 12, 1848, aged 83. He married in New Haven, Elizabeth, sister of Ozias YALE, of Cheshire, Conn., who died Sept. 15, 1832, aged 68. His children were Betsey, who married Augustus MARTIN, Lumna, who is now living in Coventryville, and is the surviving member of the family, and Burrage, who lived and died in Coventryville, July 23, 1829, aged 24. They were all born in Coventry, and Luman, who was born in a hotel, has kept one ever since he was able to do business.
    When MILES came in, Royal WILKINS had squatted on the creek, one-fourth mile south of Coventryville, and had made a small clearing and built a shanty, but he removed soon after to Afton, where he settled and raised a family. His location here was near where Charles PEARSALL now lives.
    Ozias YALE and Deacon William STORK made settlements in 1792, and Deacon RICHARDS about that time. YALE came from Cheshire, Conn., and settled one-half mile north of Coventryville, where T. M. WILLIAMS now lives, and died there May 26, 1853, aged 86. He was a farmer, and held the office of justice several years. He was twice married. Hannah, his first wife, died Dec. 23, 1810, aged 55; and Agnes A., his second wife, March 8, 1875, aged 88. Two sons are living. Thomas, in Bainbridge, and Robert in Norwich. Evaline, wife of Nathaniel SMITH, living in Norwich, is a daughter of his. The deaths of his daughter Hannah and son H., both children by his first wife, the former Oct. 3, 1796, at the age of three years, and the latter July 9, 1800, at the age of six years, were among the earliest in the town; and the birth of the former, must have been among the first, if not the first in the town.*

   * William, son of Moses ALLIS, born in 1794, is credited with being the first child born in the town.-French's Gazetteer of New York.

    Deacon William STORK was also from Cheshire, Conn. He took up 100 acres, in the east part of the town, where he and his wife died, the former Dec. 3, 1822, aged 52, and the latter, Rebecca PARKER, March 17, 1832, aged 59. He was a carpenter and joiner, and carried on that business in connection with farming. He had eight children, only four of whom lived to attain majority. Two were born in Connecticut, but died in infancy, as also did the other two, who died young. The four who lived to maturity were Julia, who was born in Coventry Sept. 16, 1799, married Don C. PARKER, of Cazenovia, where they settled (and where she now lives,) afterwards removed to Greene, where he died Nov. 2, 1862; Anna, who died a maiden lady on the homestead in Coventry; Lauriston, who married Rheuby, daughter of William CLARK, of Cazenovia, where they settled and he died; and William L., a lawyer, now living in Cazenovia.

    Deacon RICHARDS settled on the old Chenango road; also Hardin BENNETT, about 1792-5.

    Roger EDGERTON settled about for miles south of Coventry, where his grandson, George Edgerton, now lives, and was killed there by falling down stairs. He came as early as 1790, in which year a son of his died, his death being the first in the town. Two of his sons are living, Hiram in Franklin, Delaware county, and Albert in Minnesota. One other grandchild is living in Coventry, Eliza Ann, widow of Cyrus SMITH.
    Philo YALE settled in the town in 1794, when nineteen years old, and built his house in 1800. He dug the first grave in the cemetery in Coventryville, for William BUTTON. It is in the north-east corner of the yard.
    Moses ALLIS came in as early as 1795 and Zenas HUTCHINSON and Levi PARKER about that year. ALLIS was a shoemaker and settled three miles south of Coventry, where the widow MARTIN now lives. He resided there till well advanced in years, when he went with his son to Ohio, where he died. None of his children are living here. His son William, who is generally supposed to have been the first child born in the town, removed to Ohio about 1830 and died there. HUTCHINSON came from Coventry, Conn., where he was born Sept. 17, 1782, and settled on the first farm west of Coventry village, which is now owned by John KALES. He afterwards removed to the Corners and died there Nov. 3, 1869. He held the office of Justice of the Peace for thirty years, and was town clerk and school teacher a great many years. He married Electa TRUMBULL, who was born March 3, 1794, and whose father was an early settler in the town, where she died Feb. 18, 1870. He had two children, both daughters, Calista, wife of Chauncey S. WILLIAMS, living in Coventry, and Sophia, who died at the age of seventeen.

    PARKER came from Cheshire, Conn., and settled on the site of the Congregational parsonage in Coventry village. He afterwards removed to the west part of the town to the place where his son Levi now lives, died and there April 9, 1846, aged 79. Phebe, his wife, died Oct. 4, 1859, aged 89. His children were Eldad, who settled in Coventryville, where he died June 4, 1820, aged 26: Levi, married and settled where his daughter, Mrs. Daniel BEECHER, now lives, and died there Oct. 3, 1864, aged 68, and Polly G., his wife, Oct, 5, 1854, aged 59; Aaron, who was a Baptist minister, and is now living at an advanced age; Luman, who settled at Coventryville; Laura, who married Merit STODDARD, and after his death Oct. 12, 1820, Ahira BARDEN, with whom she is now living in Tioga county, aged about 90; Phebe, who married A. B. DODGE, and is living in Triangle, Broome county, aged about 70; and Lucinda, who died young and unmarried. James S. Parker, a merchant in Coventry, Mrs. Daniel BEECHER, of Coventry, Merrit S. Parker, a merchant in Greene, and Mary, wife of Dr. M. B. SPENCER, of Guilford, are grandchildren of his.

    Record WILBUR came in from Vermont as early as 1798, and settled about a mile south of Coventry, on the place where Loren B. PORTER now lives, and died there Jan. 29, 1862, at the advanced age of 99 years. Naomi, his wife, died Jan. 21, 1842, aged 76. They had no children.
    A man named CHILDS, whose wife was a sister of of Record WILBUR's, came in soon after WILBUR and made a cleaning and planted corn on the place now owned by Susan JUDD. He remained only one summer, and returned to Vermont, from whence he came. His wife never came.
    Captain Jotham PARKER came in as early as 1795, probably about that year, and settled one mile south of Coventryville, on the place now owned by Reuben PEARSALL. He built in that locality, in 1795, the first grist-mill in the town. He kept there also, in an addition to the south part of his house, the first store in the town. Hiland, his son, afterwards kept store there in company with Benjamin JONES. Capt. Parker also kept a tavern. He died there, after a short but active business life, July 19, 1815, aged 62. His wife, Sarah, survived him many years, and died Nov. 15, 1848, at the advanced age of 90 years. His children were: Hiland, Jotham, Jr., who died in February, 1839, aged 42; Luman, who died Oct. 8, 1801, aged 20; Emily, and the widow LOVELAND. Emily is the only one now living.

    The grist-mill built by Captain Parker was located on a small brook, one-fourth mile south of Coventryville, near the residence of Charles PEARSALL. A portion of the stone foundation may yet be seen. It was operated as a grist-mill till about 1854, when William WARNER converted it into a carpenter shop, which was burned about four years ago.

    Simeon PARKER settled at an early day one and one-half miles north of Coventryville, where his grandson, Peter Parker, now lives, and where he and his wife died, the former Feb. 7, 1824, aged 48, and the latter July 30, 1835, aged 60. He married Polly SPRAGUE. Their marriage was the first one contracted in the town. Their children were: Lucius, Hiram, Simeon, Joel, Henry, Merrit, Polly, Betsey, Sally, Louisa and Nancy, only two of whom are living, Nancy, a maiden lady, in Oxford, and Betsey, who married a man named COY, and is living in Butternuts.
    A man named STIMSON settled in the north-east corner of the town on the farm now occupied by Draper EASTON, in 1800, and died there. He had six children, Jason, who married Betsey JOHNSON, Simeon, Roswell, who married a sister of Jason's wife, Nancy, who married Ira BARTHOLOMEW, Betsey, and another daughter who married the father of William GILBERT, all of whom are dead.
    Deacon John STODDARD, who was born July 1, 1763, came in from Watertown, Conn., his native place, in 1801, and settled in Coventryville, on the farm now owned and occupied by his grandson, Wm. A. Stoddard, where he died Feb. 24, 1821. He came in with his family, consisting of his wife, Sarah, daughter of Nathan WOODWARD, of Watertown, Conn, and six children, Curtis, Merit, Polly, John, Sarah, and Elijah Woodward. Three were born after they came here, Abigail, Wells and Abiram, but not one of the nine is still living. He took 250 acres of land, nearly 100 acres of which is still occupied by his grandsons, John and William A. Stoddard. He wife died January 2, 1840, aged 83.

    The Stoddards have been a prominent, influential and highly respected family. Curtis married Hepsey, daughter of Samuel MARTIN, from Watertown, Conn., who came in with Mr. Stoddard in 1800 and prospected the lands they took up and accompanied him in his settlement the following year. Mr. MARTIN died here Jan. 17, 1840, aged 76, and Phebe, his wife, March 22, 1841, aged 76. Curtis Stoddard settled on 50 acres of his father's farm, where he raised a family of eight children. After the death of his wife he removed to Little St. Joseph, Ohio, where he died in 1834. Merit Stoddard, married, Laura, daughter of Levi PARKER, and settled in the west part of the town, where he died Oct. 12, 1820, aged 32 years. Polly Stoddard married Sylvester STEPHENS, of Camden, Oneida county, and removed with him to that county, where he died. After his death she returned to Coventry, and subsequently married Daniel BENEDICT. She died here in 1876. John Stoddard, who also became a deacon, married Merab, daughter of Oliver PARKER, an early settler in the town, where he died March 29, 1856, aged 85, and Abigail, his wife, Jan. 10, 1861, aged 89. John settled on the homestead of his father and died there Jan. 20, 185 5, aged 60. His wife died March 20, 1857, aged 60. He was a Justice of the Peace for twenty years. Sarah Stoddard married Deacon William Albert MARTIN, a resident of Coventry, where both lived and died. He died March 22, 1846, aged 53. Elijah Woodward Stoddard, who was born in 1799 and died in 1837, was graduated at Hamilton College in 1823, studied theology in Philadelphia and was licensed to preach in June, 1826. He married Althea COYE, of Cooperstown, and in 1826 was settled as pastor at Lisle. He subsequently preached in Windsor, in each place six years, and removed to Little St. Joseph, Ohio, where he died. Abigail married Miles DOOLITTLE, a resident of Coventry, who built in 1815 the first and only carding-mill and cloth-dressing establishment in the town. It stood on a small stream which was early known as Great Brook, about a mile south of Coventryville.* Abigail died Aug. 7, 1830. Wells Stoddard married Eunice, daughter of Eliakim BENEDICT, and settled in Coventry. They removed in 1833 to Marion, Iowa, where he died in 1853, and where his widow still resides. Abiram married Lavnia SMITH, of Derby, Conn., where he practiced medicine and died in 1839. Four of John Jr.'s children, Henry, John, Albert and Lewis and one of Curtis', Hepsey, wife of Joseph JOHNSON, are living in Coventry.

   * It is erroneously stated in French's Gazetteer of New York that the first carding and cloth-dressing mill in the town was built by A. & William H. ROGERS about 1795.

    Deacon Philo MINOR came from Woodbury, Conn., 1802, a single man, and made a clearing of two acres about a mile east of Coventryville, on the place now occupied by C. BURLISON. He returned to Connecticut the following fall and married Polly STILLSON, and in the winter brought his wife on an ox sled. About 1850 he removed to the place now occupied by Lewis STODDARD, and subsequently to Afton, where he died Nov. 16, 1864, aged 83. His wife died Feb. 6, 1848, aged 64. He had nine children, five of whom are living, George, born in 1803, Clark, and Esther, widow of Seneca Reed, in Coventry, and Mary, wife of Sylvester CORNWELL, and Sarah A., widow of Calvin FRANKLIN, who died Sept. 8, 1861, in Norwich.

    At one time Mrs. Philo Minor left her home to go to a place near the Brocket Pond to arrange some weaving. She went on horseback. There were then no roads except "log roads." Taking the wrong one she got lost and remained in the woods all night. It was dark and rainy, and when she could no longer see she perched herself upon a leaning tree as high as she could and still hold the horse. She placed the saddle over her head as a protection against the falling rain and so passed the night, with the wolves howling all around her, but she kept them at bay by beating the stirrups together, thus making music which they apparently did not like.*

   *From Hon. Charles PEARSALL's notes of Coventryville.

    John MINOR came in about the same time, and he and his wife, Anna G. BEARDSLEY, died here, the former Feb. 9, 1854, aged 84, and the latter March 4, 1852, aged 79. Their daughter, Elizabeth D., married John FOOTE, a native of Coeymans, N. Y., who was a tanner and shoemaker, and settled in Coventry, where he held several military and town offices, and was Deacon of the Congregational Church. They had two children, Lydia Ann, who married Henry Milton KETCHEM and removed to Minnesota, and Jane Amanda.
    John MANDERVILLE and Elisha WARREN came in from Massachusetts, the former from Granby in that state, in 1805. MANDERVILLE settled in the south part of the town, four miles south of Coventry, on 50 acres which now forms a part of Charles MARTIN's farm, and died there about 1819. He was the first Supervisor in Coventry. He had eight children, Asenath, who married Chauncey BREWER, Sophia, who married Lemuel JENNINGS, John, William C., James, Horace, Homer and Melancthon S., only two of whom are living, Homer in Foxburgh, Pa., and Melancthon S., in Coventry. Two grandsons, Asahel and Harry, are living in the town on lands afterwards acquired by him.

    WARREN settled in the east part of the town, one and one-half miles south-east of Coventryville, on the place now occupied by Clark L. HORTON, where he died Jan. 13, 1806, aged 41. Lois, his wife, survived him many years. She died March 20, 1848, aged 80. He had three sons and one daughter, Woodward, who was born in Watertown, Conn., Jan. 17, 1791, was an architect and carpenter, and died Sept. 7, 1855, aged 64, Elisha, Lydia, who married Hial BENEDICT, and Romeo, the latter of whom represented this county in the Assembly in 1856, and now resides in Coventryville, is the only living one.

    Settlements were made in 1806 by Jabez MANWARRING, Henry CHANDLER and Pardon BEECHER.

    Jabez MANWARRING came from New London, Conn., and settled first three miles south-west of Coventry, on the farm owned by John BEALS and occupied by Franklin SEYMOUR. In 1812 he removed to the farm lying next north, and resided there till his death, April 23, 1861, aged 80. In 1808, he married Sally HOPKINS, from Waterbury, Conn., who died Oct. 21, 1863, aged 79. They had ten children, seven of whom are living, viz.: Charles B., in Nanticoke, Broome county, Henry and Edward S., in Windsor, Broome county, Lucius in Coventry, William in Grandville, Mich., and Samuel and Albert in State Center, Iowa. George, who died in Clinton county, Iowa, about 1864, and Sally Maria, who married Albert PRATT, of Afton, and subsequently David BLAKLEY, of Wisconsin, where she died, were children of theirs.

    Deacon Henry CHANDLER came from Brattleboro, Vt. He stopped about six months in Bainbridge, and removed thence to this town. He settled at Coventryville and had charge of the grist-mill which was then in operation a little south of that village. He built a log-house into which he moved his family, and after about a year he bought a farm of nearly fifty acres about one and one-half miles south of Coventryville, now known as the old SANFORD place. He afterward removed to the farm now occupied by Benedict FOOTE, in the north part of the town. He went to live with his children in Bainbridge during the latter years of his life, and died there July 21, 1826, aged 72. Penelope, his wife, died March 25, 1841, aged 72. His children were Nelly, who married Hardin BURNETT, Sophia, who married Phineas BENNETT, Nabby, who married Calvin NILES, Michael, Henry, Selah, Rufus, David, Lockwood, and Lois, who married William WILSON. Rufus, who resides in Coventry is the only one living.

    Parson BEECHER removed from the parish of Salem, Conn., now Nangatuck, and, like many others of the early settlers, fearing the miasmatic diseases and reputed sickness of the low lands and river courses, sought out an elevated location between the Chenango and Susquehanna rivers. He took up 100 acres of wilderness land a mile below Coventry and there raised up a family to usefulness, honesty and sobriety. He continued his residence there till his death, Aug. 10, 1843, aged 60. His house is said to have been the first frame house on that part of the Livingston tract lying in Coventry, and the first on the Catskill and Ithaca turnpike between Bainbridge and Greene, a distance of sixteen miles. There town meetings and elections were "regularly held," as well as stated preaching every fourth Sabbath. In January, 1808, he married a lady of his native town, (who died in 1875, at the advanced age of 91 years, with mind unimpaired,) and removed her to a log cabin in his forest home. The farm was retained in the hands of the family till within some 25 years, when Julius Beecher, who succeeded his father in its occupancy, sold it and removed to Wellsville, Alleghany county, where he now lives. Parson Beecher's other children were Sarah, who married a son of Curtis STODDARD, and after his death, Amos YALE, and is now living a widow on the Amos Yale place in Guilford, where her husband died Feb. 17, 1857, aged 49; Daniel, who was twice married, and is now living with his second wife, Betsey PARKER, in Coventry; Annette, who married Russell M. SMITH, and died in Coventry in the spring of 1877; Harris H. and Harry, twins, the latter of whom married the widow Phebe Ann RICE and is now living in Norwich; Hector, who married a lady named LEONARD, with whom he is now living in the south edge of Oxford; Elbridge, who married and removed to Ohio and died there; and Jane, who married John B. HOYT, both of whom are living in Pittston, Pa. Julius married Elizabeth PAYNE, and after her death, Sarah Ann STEWART, who is living with him in Wellsville.

    Lewis WARREN, son of Nathaniel Warren, came in from Watertown, Conn., about 1808 or '9, and settled about three miles south-west of Coventry, where Ira FAIRCHILD now lives. He returned to Connecticut about 1811, and remained there till 1822. He died in the west part of the town, where his widow and two daughters now reside.

    Harvey JUDD removed from Watertown to Delhi, Delaware county, in 1809, and the following year to Coventry, to the place now occupied by Monroe FOOTE, but owned by the widow of Harvey P. Judd, about a mile south-west of Coventry, where he, his wife, Sarah CASTLE, and son Harvey P., died. He died Sept. 27, 1857, aged 94; his wife Feb. 18, 1845, aged 80; and his son Dec. 27, 1869, aged 64. Only one child is living, Susan, widow of Lewis WARREN, who was 89 years old June 9, 1879.
    Francis KALES came from Albany in 1811 and settled on the south line of the town, on the farm now occupied by Mark J. KEOGH, but owned by his father, William Kales. Both he and his wife were of Irish descent and both died there, the former in April, 1852, and the latter in February, 1847. John and William, both residing in Coventry village, are the only members of the family living. The latter was a Member of Assembly from this county in 1858.
    David HUNGERFORD came in from Watertown, Conn., his native place, in 1812, and settled about three miles south-west of Coventry, where his son Chauncey has lived since his birth in 1830. He continued to reside there until his death, Jan. 12, 1860. His widow, who is a native of Vermont, still survives him, in her 97th year, with mental faculties but little impaired. He came in with his wife, to whom he was married in Watertown, and four children, Maria, widow of Moses HATCH, and Susan, widow of Harvey P. JUDD, living in Coventry; Rachel, wife of John R. GOBLES, living in Fulton City, Ill.; and Lavinia, who married Joseph SNELL and died in Kattelville in Broome county March 6, 1849. Two sons and three daughters were born after their settlement here, Sally, a maiden lady, living with her brother on the homestead; Anna, widow of Townsend BARNUM, living in Hastings, Minn.; Laura, wife of Ralph BAIRD, living in Coventry; David, living in Kansas; and Chauncey, living on the homestead.
    Most of he early settlers in the locality of Coventryville and on the road extending north into the south part of Oxford were from Cheshire, Conn., from which fact the little hamlet in the south part of that town derives its name, and the road in question is known as Cheshire street.
    The first school-house in the town was a log structure, located about ten rods north of Charles PEARSALL's blacksmith shop (one authority says it was north and another west of that shop). Sherman PAGE, the first teacher, then a young, single man, was a resident of Unadilla, afterwards became somewhat distinguished as a lawyer and legislator. Among the first school-girls were Roxy MILES, Patty MILES, Hannah YALE and Sally MILES, who afterwards became respectively the wives of Russell WATERS, Amansa IVES, ---- JONES and ---- BECKWITH. Mrs. WALTERS died May 11, 1835, aged 48; and Mrs. IVES, March 16, 1858, aged 84, and her husband Oct. 6, 1823, aged 60. After a few years another school-house was built in what was called the Warren district. It stood between the lands now occupied by Erastus JUDD and Joel Judd, (formerly known as the BENEDICT farm,) and was afterwards removed to near when Elam BARSTOW now lives, where it remained till after that district was united with the Coventryville district.

   [Note: book used Waters and Walters]

Coventry Village

Merchants:- The first merchant at Coventry, it is believed, was Henry ALLEN, who came in from Coventry, Connecticut shortly previous to 1810, and kept a store in a part of his tavern. He left the town at an early day. Dr. Diodate CUSHMAN opened a store about 181 or '19 and continued as late as 1827, about which time he left the town. George RYDER was associated with him about a year.

    William CHURCH, whose father Josiah Church, from Vermont, was an early settler at Church Hollow, which derived its name from him, commenced business about 1830, in company with David EVERETT, who sold soon after to Rufus CHANDLER and Zerah SPENCER, the latter of whom died Feb. 5, 1832, aged 33. About which time the business was discontinued. Church returned to Church Hollow and opened a store there. Chandler resumed business about 1834, with Gilbert D. PHILLIPS, to whom after after about a year he sold his interest.

    Mr. PHILLIPS came in from Greenville, Greene county, and settled three miles south-west of Coventry, where he engaged in farming, wagon-making and running a foundry, which he continued till he engaged in mercantile business, when he removed to the village, where he died Dec. 18, 1872, aged 82. His widow is still living in Coventry in her 83d year. From 1840 to 1858, he was associated in mercantile business with his sons Edgar A. and James M. Phillips under the name of G. D. Phillips & Sons. Amasa J. HOYT became a partner in 1851 and Frederick LeRoy MARTIN in 1858, in which year the name was changed to Phillips, Hoyt & Martin. James M. Phillips withdrew in 1852 and F. L. Martin in 1860, since which time the business has been conducted by the remaining partners, Edgar A. Phillips and Amasa J. Hoyt, under the name of Phillips & Hoyt who keep a general stock of merchandise.

    Romoeo WAREN, William CHURCH and Edwin BIRGE bought out Dr. CUSHMAN. After about a year Rufus CHANDLER bought Birge's interest. The business was continued some two yeras, when Chandler and Warren sold to Church, who continued trading some four years.

    J. S. PARKER & Son, grocers, commenced business in February, 1877.

Postmasters: The first postmaster at Coventry was Dr. Tracy SOUTHWORTH, who was appointed about 1833 or '4 and held the office several years. Gilbert D. PHILLPS next held it five or six years, and was succeeded by his son Edgar A., who held it some four years. George CORNISH next held it about two years, till his removal. He was succeeded by William CHURCH who held it till about 1860, when his son Charles was appointed and held it till June, 1861, when Amasa J. HOYT was appointed. Hoyt was succeeded Dec. 10, 1877, by Mary A. KALES, the present incumbent.
Physicians:- The first physician was Diodate CUSHMAN, who commenced practice in the east part of the town as early as 1813. He afterwards located in Coventry ad practiced there till within a few years of his death, which occurred about 1838 or '9, while on his way to New York with a drove of cattle. He was also engaged in mercantile business here and at Chenango Forks. The next was Tracy SOUTHWORTH, who came from New Berlin during the later part of Cushman's practice as early as 1827, and practiced here some ten years. Alfred GRIFFIN came in abut 1830 and was succeeded in the spring of 1835, by Asahel WILMOTT, who removed in 1843 to the west part of the State. George STURGES came in from Coventryville in 1843 and practiced a year or two. S. B. PRENTISS practiced here some two years, about 1845, and at the meeting of the County Medical Society June 9, 1846, was made the subject of commendatory resolutions by reason for his contemplated removal. He went to Kansas, having sold his practice to William H. BEARDSLEY, from Butternuts, who removed to a farm about three miles south of Coventry in April, 1869, and is still practicing there. R. OTTMAN came in from Pennsylvania in 1845, but remained about a year only.

    The present physicians are James D. GUY and Jesse E. BARTOO.

    James D. GUY was born in Oxford, N.Y., Dec. 23, 1840, and studied medicine at Harpersville, Broome county, with his uncle, Dr. Ezekiel Guy, and at Nineveh, in the same county, with another uncle, Dr. Timothy Guy. He entered Geneva Medical College in the fall of 1866, and was graduated Jan. 23, 1868, in which year he commenced thence to Coventry Nov. 28, 1869, and has since practiced here.

    Jesse E. BARTOO was born in Jasper, Steuben county, Feb. 28, 1847. He studied medicine in Dansville, N.Y., with Dr. Preston, and in Greene with Dr. R. P. CRANDALL. He entered the Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnati in the fall of 1875, and was graduated there May 9, 1876. He commenced practice in Greene in that year, and continued till the spring of 1879, when he removed to Coventry.


Merchants: The first merchant at Coventryville is supposed to have Otis LOVELAND, who traded some three or four years from about 1809. He was succeeded by Russell WATERS, who traded till 1816, when he removed to the farm now occupied by Charles PEARSALL.

    About 1818 or '19 Levi PARKER built a store on the site of the residence of George MINOR, which is believed to have been the first occupied by Thomas W. WATKINS, whose father-in-law, Burrage MILES, leased the land on which it stood, the condition of the lease being that it should be occupied as a store and nothing else "so long as grass grows and water runs." A part of Minor's residence is still fitted as a store, to comply with the requirement of the lease, though it is not occupied as such. Watkins traded but a few years. John REED and Charles G. OSBORN traded in the same place, under the name of Reed & Osborn till about 1833. George MINOR kept a small store on the same ground about two years, when Benjamin SLATER, from Norwich, rented it and kept it some two years. In the meantime he built the store now occupied by William H. IRELAND, which he occupied till 1851, when he sold to Calvin Franklin and Peleg PENDLETON, who traded about three years and removed to Greene. Harris BRIGGS and Rufus L. CORNWELL bought out Franklin & Pendleton and traded some two years, when Cornwell bought Briggs' interest. In the spring of 1867, Cornwell sold to William H. Ireland, who has since carried on the business, having been associated about one and one-half years, in 1867-8, with his cousin, Oliver Ireland, and afterwards with his brother-in-law, Thomas GREEN.

Postmasters:- The postoffce at Coventryville is believed to have been established in 1797 and kept first by Jotham PARKER, about a half mile south of the village, where he also kept a tavern and a small store. Just when the office was removed to the village, and who first kept it there, whether Thomas W. WATKINS or Russell WATERS, who are believed to have followed in succession, is uncertain. Waters it is presumed, held it till 1816, when he was succeeded by Dr. Edward CORNELL, who held it till his death, July 19, 1849. He was succeeded by Leonard R. FOOTE, who held it about four years and was followed by E. G. WATERS, who held it till about 1857, when Peleg PENDLETON was appointed, and was succeeded about 1861 by Rufus CORNWELL, who held it till the spring of 1867, when William H. IRELAND, the present incumbent, was appointed.

Physicians:- The first of whom we have any authentic information was Asahel WILMOTT, who removed to Coventry in the spring of 1835. Edward CORNELL, whose father, Lemuel Cornell, was one of he first settlers in Guilford, was practicing here in 1827, and continued till his death, July 19, 1849, at the age of 56. Tracy S. CONE came in about 1850 and practiced twelve years, and removed to Oxford. Charles G. ROBERTS came in a few years after Cone left and practiced till the death of his father, George W. Roberts, in Greene, Feb. 10, 1870, when he went there and took his place. Dwight E. CONE, a nephew of Tracy S. Cone, came in about 1875 and practiced two years. There has been no physician here since.

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